What do you like to be called? Véronique How did you learn about the Challenges? Sparkpeople How many 5% Challenges have you completed? Too many to count! What do you like to do for fun? Read and listen to classical music What major city do you live in or near? State? Tell us a bit about where you live. I live in Northern…
This is great, thank you!
Please let me join the Red Hots again!
Red Hots please!
Red Hots rock! Please sign me up! Thanks
Red Hots again please!
Red Hots please!
Véronique - Red Hots (Phoenix)
Red Hots forever!
Red Hots please!
Hello! Please sign me up! Thank you !
Phoenix (I am a Red Hot). Thank you!
Red Hots again please!
Please sign me in! I want to start the year right with the Red Hot Chili Steppers!
Please sign me up! I love this team!
Red Hot Chili Steppers
I want to stay on the RHCS team! Thank you!
What is your name or nickname? Your Team? Veronique - Red Hot Chili Peppers Your Approximate Location: big city near you, province or state, country. Northern Virginia, DC suburbs What is your favorite summer activity? none, I HATE summers! What do you like to do for fun, interests, hobbies? reading, listening to classical…
Hello! Although I have not been very active due to back surgery I would like very much to continue with this wonderful team!
How many 5% Challenges have you done? I can't remember exactly, but at least 40. I was with the Teddy Bears on SP. What do you like to do for fun? Reading, listening to classical music What major city do you live in or near? State? Northern Virginia, southern suburb of Washington DC What are you health/fitness goals for…
Finally! It wasn't easy to find the way to sign in! Please sign me up, I want to continue with the Red Hot Chili Steppers! Thank you.
Please sign me up! Thank you