@tlarriola72 I totally understand. I have been fluctuating in my weight, but I continue to stay forever hopeful. ☺️☺️☺️
Don't apologize and thank you for sharing. I understand your frustrations because I've been there too. Sadly, I've never been skinny and dealt with weight fluctuation and eating disorders for most of my life (in my adolescence my food aversion was bad to the point I dropped weight too fast in a month). However, I know you…
Wow, love the topic. Didn't really think to equate casino gaming and fitness. Thanks for sharing
Pong in the Atari followed by duck hunt on the NES
So I took a break from playing the remastered of mass effect and cyberpunk 2077. Just kicking it old school with some board games.
@Cat0703a just purchased terraforming mars and Viticulture
Who are you! Age? Female or male? RP? LARP? What are your weightloss goals?! How many pounds have you lost? Walk on the Beach? Hello, the name is Elizabeth. I'm 32 years old and female. I saw this group and it peeked my interest. In terms of gaming, I dabble in many things, such as tabletop board games, RPGs, console, pc,…
Two new board games to add to my collection.
Reading a good Facebook drama story between two associates.