That first game that made you a gamer.



  • javaking9
    javaking9 Posts: 12 Member
    The original DOOM. And then Half-Life 🎮
  • AliciaHollywood
    AliciaHollywood Posts: 102 Member
    The Sims & Sim City. But I’m not really a gamer. Those were actually the only two I played on the PC. But I’m massively into VR! I’m in VR every day doing something, lots of workout games especially but also social VR and watching movies on huge virtual movie screens.
  • FitMorgan101
    FitMorgan101 Posts: 15 Member
    I remember playing some SNES and Sega games as a kid, but the first game I really fell in love with was Harvest Moon 64.
  • biz_kid1
    biz_kid1 Posts: 9 Member
    edited May 2021
    Pong was probably my first game on the Atari but the one I remember most grabbing my attention? Tetris (on NES)...the original, one-player only version that could only be mom rented it for 3 days and we all missed school and work to stay home and play it during the rental!!! LOL!
  • JoeyTajzai
    JoeyTajzai Posts: 1,198 Member
    Super Mario 3 when I was very young!
  • BecomingLizzieB88
    BecomingLizzieB88 Posts: 11 Member
    Pong in the Atari followed by duck hunt on the NES
  • failSafePlan
    failSafePlan Posts: 2 Member
    DOOM 2016
  • SexyGamerGal
    SexyGamerGal Posts: 75 Member
    I went my whole life not really a gamer because we were poor and couldn't afford them. Then an ex boyfriend (at 18) showed me world of warcraft it took over my interest and from there I was completely invested in games.