Red Hots, please?
Red Hots, please?!
I would love to get back into the Challenge, former Red Hot here.
Red Hots
Red Hots!
Red Hots!
Red Hots!🌶️ please
Read and understood
Read and understood
DCHANCE61 Red Hots
Red Hots!
Read and understood.
Red Hots please!
Red Hots!
Ok, Ceri, here I am.
Yes, Red Hot Chili Steppers.
I would like to stay on the team.
@Ceriusly1 , thank you for sending the invitation! I'm in!
How many 5% Challenges have you done? I think that this is my 7th. I know that I did 3 or 4 with Sparkpeople as an Awesome A, and this will be my 3rd on My Fitness Pal. What do you like to do for fun? Historical reenactment camp (this means in a canvas tent wearing umpteen layers of clothing in fashion in the late 1700s),…
Finally! :D :D I'm in! :)
@Ceriusly1, thanks for posting @DNjoys screenshot elsewhere. However, I have no join button, and I'm sure everyone else who has been having this problem has no join button, either. If we did, we probably wouldn't be having the problems we are having. :'( :'(
I'm in!
I'm sure it may be different for everyone. I would check out These guys seem to have a handle on it. Good luck to you.