jbanta07 Member


  • I'm not trying to write off wheat or grains entirely, even though I probably came off that way. I ate muesli this very breakfast, and I tend to eat a lot of white rice (which also has it's own gross practices). I also tend to eat the bread that is made out of the same enriched flour I was just condemning in my previous…
  • @kristinnoffsinger1812 I'm really sorry you are going through this. I'd take @goal06082021 's advice. Focus more on the diet part, and totally agree that more research and help should be done from your doctor's side. If you haven't already, maybe look into a doctor or clinic that specializes in women's health. I've had my…
  • That is a better direction to be headed! So much of losing weight for me has been overcoming my own mentality. I thought losing weight meant depriving myself. Then I'd beat myself up when I did indulge. And then the thoughts of "I'm a failure" and "I can't do this" and "Why even bother trying if I already messed up" would…
  • I did keto for a year and a half and even though I'm not doing it any more, I still love me some cauliflower pizza. Honestly, if you are making it yourself, it doesn't contain any more fat than a normal-crust pizza haha. I also love cauliflower mac and cheese, cauliflower fried "rice," and cauliflower mashed potatoes.…
  • Are you taking anything to help with your PCOS, such as birth control pills? I was never officially diagnosed with anything, but ever since going through puberty and getting my period, it's always been extremely irregular. Some months I don't get it, and then when I do, it's very heavy and sometimes wont stop. I started on…
  • As @mph323 said, Keto isn't a quick fix to weight loss. Don't buy into those advertisements of people doing those trendy diets where they "lose 60lbs in a month!" That isn't normal. I did Keto for a year and a half and was able to lose 30 lbs. It takes probably two weeks of eating less than 50 carbs a day before you're…
    in Help Comment by jbanta07 August 2021
  • I cut out caffeine and as much added sugars as I could. It has helped quiet the unwelcome noises in my head. When I start to think that this hasn't had much of an impact on my life, I'll drink a soda or have a coffee, and suddenly I'm back to obsessive or obnoxiously repetitive thinking. You know when you get a song stuck…
  • My weight has always been a result of my own negativity feelings toward myself. I was bullied for years when I was younger, and for some reason it has been a very long journey trying to escape those feelings. Every day was filled with hallways full of eggshells and all I wanted was to just be ignored and invisible. Even…
  • Thanks, that's a really important distinction! I feel a lot better knowing it wont just mysteriously cause me to gain weight, but instead is something in my control.
  • I don't know about that personally, I'm just talking about keeping a routine. I'm not a physician so I can't give advice on what is physically unhealthy or what might stress the body. I just think that if she eats too few calories, she wont be able to keep going. She might be able to lose weight quickly on the short-term,…
  • I wouldn't change too much if she is already successfully losing weight and finds her meal and exercise routine maintainable. Maybe just start with 100 calories less, bringing it down to 1460 a day and go from there. She can go lower still, but it is about finding a lifestyle that she can stick with. She could technically…
  • Hey, My suggestion would be to truly utilize MFP to evaluate other things happening in your life. If you are returning to old habits, it's likely because you need to make meaningful change in other areas of your life. Are you stressed out a lot? Are you not getting enough sleep and therefore tired? Are you struggling to…
  • I think 1,000 should be fine, especially if you fill up on mostly vegetables and meat. Then maybe treat yourself to a smaller portion of the less healthy stuff, like the noodles or any fried stuff (like eggrolls).
  • I lost about 30 lbs, and weighed myself daily during that time. Then Covid hit and I gradually put on 15 lbs. I had some really stressful situations to deal with involving family, and the weight just came back. I was drinking to cope, and eating junk to deal with stress. And for some reason, I still stepped on the scale…