SolitaryVulcan Member


  • Canceling your fee isn't done here. These are forums for users to chat. If you signed up on a phone, you should be able to cancel where you got the app in the first place. For example, I have an Android phone, and if I look at the app in the Google PlayStore I see the buttons to uninstall or open the app, and underneath…
  • I work in a factory as a sewing machine operator, and most of the people I work with are much smaller than I am. I've never been able to completely do up my work uniform as my hips were too wide, and it made me feel sloppy and less professional--but after 3 months of dieting I can do up all five snaps (and have them stay…
  • I don't think you have to be so particular about macros. I prioritize sticking to my calorie target, and after I track my lunch I'll check my macros and see where I'm over or deficient, and choose a dinner that will help balance me out. If after lunch I see that I'm high on carbs and low on protein, I'll make a high…
  • You might consider taking measurements and tracking your progress that way instead. If you've mostly made changes to your fitness routine you may not see the results on the scale, but might notice more of a difference in your measurements instead.
  • When you click "Add Food" under a meal, right beside the part where you type the food you're looking for there's a little blue barcode symbol. Press that to scan a barcode.