bakes0310 Member


  • Been managing to up my calorie intake to 1600 calories but then today I only managed 1021 calories, and I don't feel particularly hungry in this heat, but I was good it wasn't any ice-cream.
  • Yesturday was my best day so far with managing to eat 1563 calories out of my 2003. I made sure to add veg and fruit and I also had some almond nuts as a snack. Today I've bought some rye sourdough bread and crunchy organic peanut butter. See how I do today but hopefully it will be a good number.
  • Oops typ 6grams on day 2 and 13 on day 1. I get it from my huel drink at 6g fiber and I do get quite alot of vitamins and minerals 26 in total from that drink. Will add some veg and fruit though can't hurt.
  • Thanks for all the replies, super helpful. I'll look at adding peanut butter into my diet as I used to really like that. I've googled healthy breads so I can have the peanut butter on. It came up with sourdough bread, would that be a good option. I don't want to get fat eating bread everyday, I'm thinking peanut butter can…