Stormchaser123 Member


  • Mate watches are rubbish ignore all that - how can it possibly be - Im 408 according to my apple watch and i burn 650 calories per workout. Use the garmin for simple things brother and go by how u feel
  • PS good lord that book!!!! What a wake up. No way am I reAding that - poor chap. I have ZERO PROBLEMS!!! I feel terrible now! Thanks for gentle lesson tho!!
  • OK thanks! The Stoic teachings are a bit male I get it - but alongside CBT ACT and Yoga its up there to massively help with mental health. Its finding the right “delivery method”. In fact acceptance is one of the major major teachings. Soz to hear about the various challenges. And ok yes I did think something was awry even…
  • Stoics say "we are not entitled to anything" - health, fitness, or a good day. I was using Stoic terminology. To add balance and humility. Incase there are people who were more unwell than me. Should a human expect to feel well more than 39% of the time or is that wishful thinking? "Acceptable" - I mean if you were 55 and…
  • Great posts. I check the link. Thanks. Very eloquent and considered. Feeling rough today watch says 1700 resting, I have eaten 1659. Woke up around 11 bed now 1030pm. I guess the watch has helped a bit, no point over eating if you are not active. I get like this, usual suspects. Depression, anxiety meds COPD meds, and a…
  • Nice post wow really good. And yes also thanks Wunder this is good eat more when you move more yes. If I ever do a long day to London and back not only am I exhausted but I either eat less due to adrenalin or eat more the following day because I am ravenous. Thanks again. This has been good to note. I don't mind adding…
  • Another way to put this; If you have a shorter day and you have met you minimum - would you continue to eat to your normal calorie goal or would you amend it without damaging any repair or growth?
  • This is really good... I had no idea ... what a wonderful soul you are too.
  • Soothing to read. And informative. And a little relieving. I did read here in earlier posts that it is a sign that fat is leaving your body. Thank you very much for such lengthy and helpful post. Yes I think I have a belly and chest fat to lose and this could be the issue, it appears WORSE because they are literally a lot…