Aseeral Member


  • Welcome to the new members. I’m excited for a new month. Now that I have gotten through some stressful things in my life, I hope to be a bit more active this month. Just a little info about me. I am 45, and struggled with weight my whole life. I am now Prediabetic, so I’m trying hard to keep my carb intake under control.…
  • August Week 4 PW: 246.5 CW: 247 Wednesday Sorry it has been a rough week for me. My dad passed away this week. I’m at peace with it, because he was suffering a lot. With the emotions and stress of this week my eating was really off this week. I bet it will show up even worse next week, but now that things are settling down…
  • I forgot to post my weight on Wednesday although I did weigh myself. August Week 3 PW:247 CW: 246.5 Wednesday My dad is still not doing too well. He just can’t swallow much of anything and only eats a few bites of anything. It is hard seeing him on the downhill slope. I am still trying to keep my eating mostly on track.…
  • August Week 2 PW - 247.5 CW- 247.0 Down .5 Wednesdays I was way over on my calories today. It was my son’s 14th birthday and he wanted to go out to eat. I decided to enjoy the meal with him, but I will be back on track tomorrow.
  • Sorry I didn’t mean to go missing, but my father is 93 and hasn’t been doing well lately so I have been focused on helping my siblings with him this week. Usually when I get stressed out I emotionally eat, but I have actually done pretty well sticking to my meal plan. I don’t always track on this app, but I am tracking and…
  • Weigh in for August week 1 PW:249.5 CW: 247.5 Wednesdays 2 pounds down!!!
  • Tuesday Aug 3rd Exercise - yes but just a short walk as I’m easing back into exercise Food Tracked - yes Calories - yes Carbs a little high and protein a little under but much better than I used to do.
  • Hi I’m new to this challenge. My name is Lareesa. I have always struggled with my weight. Sometimes I have been able to lose weight, but it is definitely easier to gain weight. I found out recently that I am Prediabetic and my doctor sent me to a class at the hospital to learn about preventions I can do now to try to avoid…
  • Aseeral 249.5 Wednesday
  • I think it is time for me to focus on getting healthy. I would love to join in.