TEAM: Gutbusters (August)



  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 876 Member
    This chart from Fitbit app helps remind me that one bad day doesn’t ruin the whole week
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,849 Member
    Friday, August week 3
    PW: 239.0
    CW: 236.9 (0.88%)

    Working on slowly getting back to where I was. I'll be eating more calories for a while in an attempt to counteract possible metabolic adaptation.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    PW 141.4
    CW 142.4

    I've been off for a couple weeks; between general anxiety about the state of the world, the start of school for my family (I am a teacher, too) and SO MANY summer events I have been off my game. A one pound gain happens, but I don't *feel* great, which is what matters most to me.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Colleen790 wrote: »
    PW 163.1
    CW 162.2
    I'm sticking with low carb as its working for me when nothing else did. I'm not exercising and still losing weight. I know I need to get back to some regular exercise. It's been a hectic time. My husband has been in hospital diagnosed with heart issues. He is home now and doing well. I've also been busy with my elderly mother and grandchildren.

    I am sorry you are in a rough time; things are overwhelming right now. I hope you are able to take some time for yourself.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,467 Member
    Sat, 8/21/21
    PW: 166.8
    CW: 165.8

    I am happy with this, although it really could have been better... got home from bowling late last night, had missed dinner and wanted a little something... I should have just drank some water and gone to bed. That little something was buttered toast (really yummy sourdough that my Son brought to me from his trip to San Francisco)... an adult beverage, and 4 cookies!!! All of which I really didn't need. Guess my WI could have been much worse!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,467 Member
    I cannot wait for the mailman today... he is bringing my new FitBit! Mine has been on the blink for the past couple of weeks, after I accidentally walked into the shower with it on. :s
    I feel lost without knowing my daily steps, minutes and calories burned. Funny, I didn't know how addicted I have been to it.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,467 Member
    @Aseeral how are you doing this week? I hope that your Father is doing better. It is wonderful that you are taking care of him, however I know from when I was taking care of my Mom, how draining this can be. Remember to take some time for yourself too, and give yourself a pass on the pizza, you can't do everything.

    @Cindyk4919 I know what you mean... so many empty calories in alcohol, and although it is a quick fix after a stressful day, it can make the next day worse. Big Hugs to you, this is something I struggle with too.

    @Keepingtrack1234 I cannot imagine how tough it is to be a teacher in today's world, constant changes, and worries. Not only are you having to deal with this as a teacher, but as a Mother too! What you do is so important for our next generations, I hope that things start to change for the better soon, and you can get back into a more normal routine.

    @frankwbrown Congrats on you big loss this week! Your hard work is paying off. I hope that you are feeling better too!

    All of us have our own challenges, it is so nice to be on this journey with all of you, knowing that we are not alone makes it easier. Happy Saturday! Let's all find some time to enjoy our day. This is a nice place to check-in whenever you want.
  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 876 Member
    I went to the Asian market today and a friendly random stranger convinced me to buy mangosteens. OMG! Where have these been all my life. What a delicious fruit.
  • Aseeral
    Aseeral Posts: 10 Member
    I forgot to post my weight on Wednesday although I did weigh myself.

    August Week 3
    CW: 246.5

    My dad is still not doing too well. He just can’t swallow much of anything and only eats a few bites of anything. It is hard seeing him on the downhill slope. I am still trying to keep my eating mostly on track. I’m back to work now that a school has started back up. I’m definitely staying busy. I find it is all about the planning these days.
  • Jodee2021
    Jodee2021 Posts: 60 Member
    CW 187
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,467 Member
    Cindyk4919 wrote: »
    I went to the Asian market today and a friendly random stranger convinced me to buy mangosteens. OMG! Where have these been all my life. What a delicious fruit.

    I've never tried these, were they hard to get the fruit out? What do they taste like?
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Getting back to nightly check in. It helps me, even if no one else does it or reads. 😃
    Calories tracked and under.
    Exercise, a nice walk and yoga.
  • kaytyl2
    kaytyl2 Posts: 142 Member
  • Cindyk4919
    Cindyk4919 Posts: 876 Member
    Cindyk4919 wrote: »
    I went to the Asian market today and a friendly random stranger convinced me to buy mangosteens. OMG! Where have these been all my life. What a delicious fruit.

    I've never tried these, were they hard to get the fruit out? What do they taste like?
    They are very easy to extract the fruit. The hard outer skin cuts easily with a serrated knife. Then you peel off the fleshy rind to expose the center clusters. I discovered that if it isn’t too ripe the seeds in the clusters are very chewable and have a pleasant texture. A more mature fruit has a seed that you can’t chew.
    They taste a little like a really good plum with a hint of kiwi.
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,922 Member
    Calli 1616
    PW 183.2
    CW 183.7

    sorry I'm late with my weigh-in. I thought I'd be back to normal routine last week, but no.

    @Aseeral I'm so sorry about your father. It is such a hard situation and heartbreaking. Take good care of you - I hope your planning includes a little recharge time for yourself. Many hugs to you.

    @Cindyk4919 those mangosteens are so interesting! I don't think I've ever heard about or seen them. Now I'll keep my eyes open for them, they sound tasty!

    @Keepingtrack1234 I hope your week is starting off well. I may be terrible about posting, but I always read everyone's posts and am inspired by them! thanks for keeping us all wrangled too! My daughter's first day back at school was today. It's in person and she was absolutely over the moon about it! Thanks for all you do!

    @looneycatblue I know what you mean about the Fitbit! When I forget mine somewhere I think "what's the point of walking now?" and then I laugh at myself a bit and carry on! I agree with you about this being a nice place to check in. I'm trying to be better about posting, not just reading. Still loads of room for improvement there!

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    kaytyl2 wrote: »

    WOW--you are GOOD at maintenance!!! Congrats, that is awesome!!!
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Monday check in:
    calories tracked and under
    Exercise 9k steps or so...
    a pretty good day!
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,849 Member
    edited August 2021
    Monday check in:
    calories: stayed under, despite having pizza, primarily because of...
    exercise: 45 min of cardio; 60 min swimming; 60 min yoga.
    (My Garmin watch says 1,647 calories burned doing these exercises, but I think it generally overestimates calories burned)
    steps: 7k... must be due to marching in place during cardio, because I haven't been taking walks lately.
    weight: continuing a downward trend (finally).
    Overall, felt good today.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Wednesday check in
    Pretty good day! Had a little treat at work and a little wine at home, but overall doing good!