11/21: 5,642,683 + 23,644 = 5,666,327
11/20: 5,621,281 + 21,402 = 5,642,683
11/19: 5,597,947 + 23,334 = 5,621,281
11/18: 5,571,686 + 26,261 = 5,597,947
11/17: 5,553,593 + 18,093 = 5,571,686
11/16: 5,523,531 + 30,062 = 5,553,593
11/15: 5,501,679 + 21,852 = 5,523,531 @renae149 , congrats on dropping below a quarter million to go!
11/14: 5,482,654 + 19,025 = 5,501,679 :)
11/13: 5,464,006 + 18,648 = 5,482,654 I only need 17,346 to hit 5.5 mill! :)
11/12: 5,438,791 + 25,215 = 5,464,006
11/11: 5,413,277 + 25,514 = 5,438,791
11/07: 5,357,309 + 16,149 = 5,373,458 11/08: 5,373,458 + 12,196 = 5,385,654 11/09: 5,385,654 + 11,171 = 5,396,825 11/10: 5,396,825 + 16,452 = 5,413,277
11/06: 5,344,154 + 13,155 = 3,357,309
11/05: 5,326,626 + 17,528 = 5,344,154
11/04: 5,295,142 + 31,484 = 5,326,626 I went for big numbers yesterday! :)
11/03: 5,274,277 + 20,865 = 5,295,142
10/30: 5,215,477 + 11,971 = 5,227,448 10/31: 5,227,448 + 17,195 = 5,244,643 11/01: 5,244,643 + 15,569 = 5,260,212 11/02: 5,260,212 + 14,065 = 5,274,277
10/29: 5,194,021 + 21,456 = 5,215,477
10/28: 5,173,202 + 20,819 = 5,194,021
10/27: 5,156,383 + 16,819 = 5,173,202
10/25: 5,128,996 + 13,713 = 5,142,709 10/26: 5,142,709 + 13,674 = 5,156,383 @renae149 , congrats on dropping below 500,000!
10/24: 5,113,020 + 15,976 = 5,128,996
10/23: 5,092,394 + 20,626 = 5,113,020
10/22: 5,081,490 + 10,904 = 5,092,394 Took an easy day and only went for my 10,000 minimum.
I have a rather lengthy to-do list myself, including repairing my fence, but I haven't been able to get anywhere near Home Depot or Lowe's since the hurricane. The places are mobbed on a daily basis.
10/21: 5,055,873 + 25,617 = 5,081,490
10/20: 5,041,588 + 14,285 = 5,055,873
10/18: 5,001,645 + 20,913 = 5,022,558 10/19: 5,022,558 +19,030 = 5,041,588
10/17: 4,979,732 + 21,913 = 5,001,645
10:16: 4,958,854 + 20,878 = 4,979,732 20,268 to hit 5,000,000.....I'm going for it!!