narngirl Member


  • Sorry to hear your having a hard time. My pain has been up too but I don't have the stress that you have going right now. Have you tried meditation? That helps me with my stress and anxiety. Stress makes the pain worse. What about surgery for your carpel tunnel? I had it done on both my wrists and I'm now 17 years pain…
  • Friday - 40 minutes dancing 15 minutes Jessica Smith walking workout. Saturday- nothing. Today I'm hoping to talk my husband into a hike or a bike ride.
  • My goal is to get in a 20 to 30 minute cardio workout 2 to 3 times a week. What I do for my workout depends on my pain level that day (I have chronic tendonitis in my ankles). Today I did a 20 minute step aerobic video and went for a 20 minute (1.2 miles) walk after dinner.
  • Hello. I also used to be on Spark (formally known as lakendal). I've been to their new site but it's not as user friendly as their old one and there are no message boards. I find that I do better when I'm accountable. I'm hoping to find that support here.