TheChunkyPostie Member


  • I'm back again, and now feeling very low. After doing so well pre-christmas, and even over christmas. I've been hit with a massive blow, which has seen me cancel my gym membership and also get so off track, it's more of a train wreck than ever. At the beginning of January i felt numbness heading from my buttocks down my…
  • Hi everyone, thanks for your messages, and after a long while away from things, I'm back. I hit my heaviest, which made me feel quite depressed, and lacking in motivation. This also made me stress eat, which is really bad. But I got chatting with a good friend and colleague, who had also struggled. Well, 6 weeks ago we…
  • I'm 43, and at my highest I hit 24st 8lbs. I've tried all of the restrictive diets that you can think of, and because of the restrictions, I kept falling off the wagon and the bounce back of weight was unreal. This really got me down. I've been using MyFitnessPal for a year now, off and on. I've struggled with my weight…