watty76 Member


  • Yes to the running back and forth to make up the final mile. I live somewhere v remote so no neighbours to watch, but my family find it pretty amusing as I wave to them for the 3rd time.
  • The thing I love is how accessible it is. I started running whilst obese, took it v gently and only built up to running for 30mind straight over several weeks. Since then I've got up to 8miles as my longest run and I'm training for a marathon In the autumn. I'm still a little overweight but continue to take it steady and…
  • Thanks both. Really clear and sensible advice. I think I had it in my head that my short runs were me done for the day - it simply hadn't crossed my mind to then so something straight after (which actually fits in really easily as I have done weights at home and time before kids get up etc. Will start this week!
  • Thank you everyone. This has given me a really concrete way forward (there is a high level of consensus from you all!). Guess us better get cracking! The training schedule I'm following btw is the cool running 1/2 marathon on, which I'll follow with their full marathon plan - they just seem to suit me
  • Day 2 done :)
    in Day 2 Comment by watty76 August 2013
  • Exercise done for the day. Doing this, a press up challenge plus shred. Hoping for big changes this month...
  • I am171 now, hoping for 160 by end of aug and 140 by end of year
  • This is exactly what I need to get going again. Count me in!
  • I always read these and find them inspirational but have never before felt moved enough to respond. You look and sound so happy with your change that it's brought me close to tears. Amongst the gimmicks, debates and cinicism surrounding losing weight, there are genuine examples of life changes which this site and others…