sbortnick Member


  • "I pretty much hit a roadblock after May of last year, and spent the next 7 months bouncing around between 207-212; this past month, and more specifically the last 2 weeks, really got out of hand. So here I am, back and ready to get down to business." Hello! Are you me?? May was when I hit a mental and physical road block!…
  • Hello Ya'll, SW: 253 lbs CW: 221 lbs October goal weight: 217 lbs (- 4 lbs) GW: 150 lbs My sticker chart last month was a success. It really helped me get back on track after the summer. I lost 3 lbs last month which was my goal. I will try to not use the sticker chart this month and see if I am still being honest with…
  • @pamperedlinny happy birthday!!!!!
  • SW: 253 lbs GW: 160 lbs Sept 4: 224.4 lbs Sept 8: 224.4 lbs Sept 15: 223.2 lbs (-1.2 lbs) Sept 23: 222.2 lbs (-1.1 lbs) Hello ya'll, I'm so happy to continue seeing progress! I would love to start the new year in onederland (under 200 lbs). I've been tracking my excercise calories with my fit bit and adjusting what I eat…
  • SW: 253 lbs GW: 160 lbs Sept 4: 224.4 lbs Sept 8: 224.4 lbs Sept 15: 223.2 lbs (-1.2 lbs) Hello ya'll, I took a break this summer with my calorie counting. I ended up gaining 3 lbs since May. I keep reminding myself that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet and this summer was insane so I'm actually ok with this small…
  • Hello, SW: 253 CW: 224 GW: 199 UGW: 160 Long time no chat! I have been MIA for most of summer. Our summer was incredibly busy with lots of fun but also very stressful due to multiple sickness' and health scares. We are all thankfully healthy now but its been a roller coaster of a summer. Early in the summer I decided to…
  • Ok I'm finally here to admit I'm struggling with my health journey. I've read all the posts and tried to write a post all month and have been struggling. It's so hard to get around socialization = food. I'm also struggling with the fact that my metabolism sucks. I can reduce my calories and move more and the scale barely…
  • Hello everyone, SW: 253 CW: 220 GW: 150 Happy July! We went on our vacation to visit family for the past 10 days. It was fun but also had family drama so I am happy to be home. I didn't log or exercise during vacation but that is ok! This is a lifestyle change. I had a few people notice I lost weight. They were people I…
  • @pamperedlinny migraines are the worse. Even when I can keep the pain away with meds there are still all the other migraine effects. I hope you feel better soon! @Making_Impossible_Possible Weekends are hard! I agree with everyone its about keeping busy. Also, if I know I am going to be in a snacky mood I allow it but I…
  • @Seltzer_lover Thanks for writing your post! It helps you to look back but it also helps inspire all of us. I'm still wearing my 2x leggings. I know I could go smaller but they are giving me some security right now. Feeling them loosen helps me recognize that I am successfully losing weight. HW: 253 (May 2020) SW: 245 (Dec…
  • Yaaassss!! I've been thinking of it lately as if I eat that left over item I'm still paying for it! I'm paying for it with money or with my health. I would rather waste the money than my health.
  • Good day ladies! I just wanted to say thanks for the support in regards to weight loss and comments from family. It helps knowing that it's common (even if it's terrible). I really appreciate the support.
  • Happy June everyone! Thanks for another thread of support and motivation! SW:253 CW:220 UGW:150 I love how fitter I have become since starting this journey. This week my friends were getting together for some pickle ball. In the past I would have played one game and enjoyed it but would be huffing and puffing and I would…
  • @bonniemcc4 well done reaching your goals for the month! A new Fitbit is a great reward! I find I often don't lose any weight when I am sick. Keep at it! The entire month of May has been a rollercoaster with regards to my weight. I kept going up and down and up and down. It's now the end of the month and I am back to the…
  • @CupcakeCrusoe- I’m sorry to hear your babe is sick! Its so hard when the little ones are sick! Good job on continuing logging when you have a sick kid. Its easy to “give up” when life is hard. I may just be speaking for myself. Also, I went back and looked at the sweater pic! Such a cool sweater!!! @pamperedlinny- Enjoy…
  • The scale and I are fighting right now after an awesome long weekend at the lake house. However, I have a NSV! This weekend I climbed a small mountain! This is huge for me! I'm an athsmatic and so steep hills and I have always been mortal enemies. One of the reasons I started this weight-loss journey is because my husband…
  • @pamperedlinny Oh how I used to love Zumba! So fun! I once did a 2 hour Zumba class for charity! It was exhausting! I should look into some Zumba classes near me! @biohazardinc Happy Birthday! @KeriA I hope your mom feels better soon! SW:253 CW: 228 I keep wanting to write that this has been an unsuccessful weight loss…
  • YESSS!!! I get this way when I get migraines too!! As soon as the nauseousness goes away I am starving!!! I have no medical or research reason to think this but I feel like its because your brain needs glucose to function and its trying to "heal" from the migraine. Again no scientific proof to back it up but something I…
  • Hello everyone! Welcome new people! @tahitig that lie you told might be one of the best motivators I've ever heard! Well done reaching your goal!! Please share an Alaska pic when you finally get to go. Preferably not a nudie but I'll leave it up to you. I have to admit I struggled yesterday but I prevailed! I wanted to eat…
  • Hello everyone! Thank you again for another month of support. This is a wonderful group! I am sorry I don't do tagging parties but know I read each post and am cheering you all on and hugging you when you are down. SW: 253 lbs CW:225 lbs UGW:150 lbs The scale and I have been wrestling for a few months. I've been logging…
  • Hello everyone! SW: 253 lbs CW: 231 lbs GW: 150 lbs Exercise goals: Walk to work 3 days/week- Week 1: yes! Week 2: yes! Week 3: No (Sick) At least one Ringfit Adventure workout on days off. Week 1: Twice! Week 2: Cant remember ;) Week 3: No (Sick) Try to stay at 1700 calories every day of April except Easter weekend with…
  • Hello everyone! YESSS!! The plateau has broken! Down 1.4 lbs this week! Progress! SW: 253 lbs CW: 231 lbs GW: 150 lbs Exercise goals: Walk to work 3 days/week- Week 1: yes! At least one Ringfit Adventure workout on days off. Week 1: Twice! Try to stay at 1700 calories every day of April except Easter weekend with family…
  • Hello everyone! Thanks again for continuing this thread! It is so supportive! As I said last month I hit a 3 week plateau. It was super frustrating and I started obsessing over my weight loss. I grew up with a parent that was obsessed with their weight. It was not healthy and so when I start to obsess I feel triggered. I…
  • I am going to vent for a second. My dang scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks! I have seen some NSVs so I am trying to focus on that! My clothes fit better. My sister noticed I've lost weight. I can wear my wedding ring again! But the dang scale!! I have been exercising more so I think that is contributing to the plateau. I am…
  • OMG I love that you put this! This is a problem in my household too!!
  • Happy March everyone! I have been diligently counting my calories since the middle of December. I am thankfully down 10+ lbs so I am seeing progress. NSV I was able to get my wedding ring back on! I haven't been able to wear it since I was pregnant 2+ years ago! However this weekend was a bit of a free for all because of…
  • Hello! I am very excited to find such an encouraging group! I look forward to joining this positivity! SW: 253 CW: 239 GW: 150 I have been obese most of my life. I lost 75 lbs ten years ago by counting calories and exercising. Then due to a multitude of life changes and depression I gained it all back. I have been pretty…