Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Momentous May!!!



  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe So, how does the exercise work? I see that there is an expenditure? Is that you tracking exercise or is it using weight + calorie count?

    @_manny_702 Onederland in your sights!! How exciting!! It could be this month, it could be next month, but it is coming soon!! Man, I won't forget showing up in Onederland for the first time in over 20 years. Things still look newer and greener!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe "Forgot to mention yesterday, at my SIL's, I literally fell down her flight of stairs, lol. Luckily nothing seriously hurt, just a nice shiner on my eye and some rug burn, and my left thumb feels weird. But probably not broken, just doesn't like a lot of pressure put on it as yet. So I am Very Sore this morning" I am sorry that this happened. I am glad it isn't more serious. My grandfather died on stairs when I was 4, stairs are serious business sometimes. (((hugs))) I hope the shiner goes away sooner rather than later
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    @rockitwell86 I agree completely about finding what works for you. My husband loves paleo and my neighbor does good with Keto. I did really really good with WW but when they changed the program I just didn't feel it anymore and had to move onto something that would work for me. Now I'm on MFP. I've also experienced it too when I've restricted too much and gained weight. Bodies are so weird.

    @seltzer_lover What kind of books are in this club? I was in a discord channel for the book club but then the discord group disbanded and the book club didn't even make it one week. I've really wanted to be part of one but can't find anything local.

    @EDTake2 Good job on maintaining! I hope to get there one day.

    @Cluelessmama1979 Congrats on making all your daily and stretch goals. I get confused on whether I should eat the daily allotment before or after exercise. I've heard both from different people. What do you all do? Also thanks for the advice. I weighed myself again today and am 213.8. I'll take that weight! And OMG the math you did. Makes me want to make a spreadsheet. I'm an accountant I like math but man is that way too much.

    @kenziestabes & @porquenoirl @_manny_702 Good luck on hitting your May goals!

    @bonniemac54 Hello! Good luck with your May goals.

    @justanotherloser007 Your weights are very inspiring. I hope to get where your at. Even staying where you are at now would be wonderful. I hope the last 13 aren't too difficult on you. I can't wait to have smaller boobs although my husband always complains. He doesn't have to carry the things around!

    @finngirl61 I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope your journey here is a good one.

    @CupcakeCrusoe Thanks for posting that. I usually try to use the checkmarked ones but in contradicted with the amount that I googled.

  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    @seltzer_lover What kind of books are in this club? I was in a discord channel for the book club but then the discord group disbanded and the book club didn't even make it one week. I've really wanted to be part of one but can't find anything local.

    Hey hey - it's more of a monthly book subscription (https://www.mybotm.com/0ixkthymctu), but I know there are FB groups (I'm not on FB, but have heard they exist), and at least one subreddit devoted to it that has discussions about the books. (https://www.reddit.com/r/bookofthemonthclub/) I also belong to a subreddit that is a large book club with different options each month (https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/) I don't always engage with the monthly picks, but I enjoy the conversation and I've definitely read along every now and then!

    I also enjoy the book lists from Modern Mrs Darcy/What Should I Read Next podcast and often get ideas from there. She also has an active and engaged book club behind a paywall.

    (I clearly love talking about books and reading!)
  • JAC581
    JAC581 Posts: 91 Member
    @seltzer_lover @biohazardinc I have been meaning to read more for... ever, really. I guess I should make that another May goal - making time to read. I finally got around to finishing The Midnight Library after putting it down for a few months. There are so many books on my shelf that have just been sitting for so long. Never been part of a book club but I enjoy seeing what others are reading on Goodreads.
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    @seltzer_lover What kind of books are in this club? I was in a discord channel for the book club but then the discord group disbanded and the book club didn't even make it one week. I've really wanted to be part of one but can't find anything local.

    Hey hey - it's more of a monthly book subscription (https://www.mybotm.com/0ixkthymctu), but I know there are FB groups (I'm not on FB, but have heard they exist), and at least one subreddit devoted to it that has discussions about the books. (https://www.reddit.com/r/bookofthemonthclub/) I also belong to a subreddit that is a large book club with different options each month (https://www.reddit.com/r/bookclub/) I don't always engage with the monthly picks, but I enjoy the conversation and I've definitely read along every now and then!

    I also enjoy the book lists from Modern Mrs Darcy/What Should I Read Next podcast and often get ideas from there. She also has an active and engaged book club behind a paywall.

    (I clearly love talking about books and reading!)

    I will definitely have to look into these. I don't get to physically read a lot now days but I listen to audible A LOT. According to my Audible total time. I've listed for a total of 1 month 4 days 7 hours and 43 minutes. Or 834 hours.
  • biohazardinc
    biohazardinc Posts: 95 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I’m sorry to hear your not having a good day. If you need to talk you can always message me. But until then my thoughts are with you.
  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    I will definitely have to look into these. I don't get to physically read a lot now days but I listen to audible A LOT. According to my Audible total time. I've listed for a total of 1 month 4 days 7 hours and 43 minutes. Or 834 hours.

    I love Audible! I struggle with it for a lot of my book selections, but I've learned that I enjoy comedy and certain fiction via audio when I'm in the car. David Sedaris, PG Wodehouse, and the Stephen Fry Mythos series have all been good for me on audio and have gotten me through some 10 hour driving days. :smile:

  • seltzer_lover
    seltzer_lover Posts: 261 Member
    JAC581 wrote: »
    @seltzer_lover @biohazardinc I have been meaning to read more for... ever, really. I guess I should make that another May goal - making time to read. I finally got around to finishing The Midnight Library after putting it down for a few months. There are so many books on my shelf that have just been sitting for so long. Never been part of a book club but I enjoy seeing what others are reading on Goodreads.
    @JAC581 @seltzer_lover @biohazardinc I want in on this book club! I read mostly spec fic... fantasy, horror, sci-fi, alternate history, dystopian, etc, and used to write horror short stories

    I think reading is like eating/losing weight - it's about a sustainable habit built around things you enjoy. It's why kids get turned off reading because "A Red Badge of Courage" in middle school is torture! How many of us had to read "Beowulf" in high school and wanted to climb out the window! AND I"M A DEVOTED READER.

    I focus on the things I enjoy and while I do *occasionally* force myself into the reading version of a vegetable (The Grapes of Wrath, Walden, anything Hemingway), I very much try to stay within the genres and formats I find the most appealing so that I keep up the habit. Just like I eat chocolate on the daily!

    @JAC581 - I couldn't get into The Midnight Library, so I'm interested if you enjoyed it? I ended up returning it to the library unfinished.

    @Cluelessmama1979 - I'm sure there are groups for these specific genres all over the internet! They're not my usual choices, though, so I don't have any recs for you.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    69 years old
    SW: 266ish
    CW: 250.6 new scale weighs me 6 lbs heavier than old one so not sure about how much I have lost.
    Halfway GW: 199.5
    UGW: 150
    May GW: get back into and stay in the 240s

    5/2: 250
    5/3: 249.6

    🌻 May GOALS! 🌻

    🟨 Log daily on MFP and track on my spreadsheet ✔
    🟨 Keep making progress with walking longer and try to get to 6 days a week ✔ I seem to be consistent with 5 days a week of walking with varying lengths
    🟨 Add strength training (weights, body weight and stretching) today?
    🟨 plan and cook healthy meals at home ✔
    🟨 Set a sensible deficit I set it and am eating at below my calorie goal

    Today I got back down into the 240s. I have been hovering just above 250 but in the last week or 2 I have been losing. Yesterday I got to 250. Today I am at 249.6. Last month my low was 249.2 but that was after getting the 2nd booster and losing my appetite. My weight went back up soon after. This time I am down due to concerted effort to eat at a sensible deficit. So I may fluctuate but the trend will hopefully continue to go down. So I have achieved the 1st part of my goal for the month in getting into the 240's but to stay there I need to keep up this losing trend.

    I just finished my online workshop for unemployment. Sometimes it is hard for me to get going after it. I often take a break. Today I plan to do some strength training which is a combo of warm up cardio, weight training, body weight training and stretching. I have to dig it up on my computer. I also want to get a few things for dinner etc, My meal planning and grocery shopping continued into this week so I just need to do a half week after today. 1st I will read your posts.