iliana860 Member


  • Love the idea yes!!!! I’m in on that
  • Woke up a bit early to workout. I usually feel like working out at night but the girls really don’t let me. They want to exercise with me and take over the equipment hahaha and feel i will accidentally kick them. Anyhow i definitely don’t think i did it well. I have loss strength and resistance but gradually i hope it…
  • That’s awesome!! Meditation!!! I need to incorporate that too. Thanks for the recommendations!!! Have you listened to tania karam? Es canalizadora de Angeles y tiene un canal de YouTube. Hace meditaciones también. I’m going to listen to it in the morning and exercise after. Once you are done let us know you completed your…
  • I think I’m going to keep it realistic and work out Monday-Friday only. Need to have a free tome on weekend. Start with the step work out which I recommend. Its from beach body by shaun T. Its 20-30 min long. I think is a good start. Need help with food menu for the week. Need HELP!!