ciaoder Member


  • and for some reason they took away the "disagree" button?!
  • Okay...enough with the geeking out before we start talking about sidewall thread counts, rubber durometer, and if ceramic bearings are really worth it. I vote for him getting the On-One Bootzipper or a Surly.
  • Things my wife does to tone upper body mostly for aesthetics are bench dips, band pull aparts , lat row, and pallof presses. If you want to keep it super simple I don't think you can go wrong skipping rope for that 15 minutes.
  • @IsabelleBabel I find myself as the "counterpoint" to a lot of these I go again... we know that CI<CO= weight loss. It's fact. It's foundational. BUT we can also write the equation CO>CI=weight loss. If you feel like you're at a sticking point, and you feel like you can maintain a healthy diet at…
  • The short answer is yes, CICO is's actually the law of conservation of energy at work. The complication comes in that different medications can mess with both sides of the CI=CO equation in different ways ( appetite stimulants vs. metabolic changes for example ). The best thing to do is talk to your doctor…
  • What wolfman said. Maybe don’t eat big right before a workout.
  • I see kids riding out to the dirt jumps and can't imagine pedaling one of those bikes across town.
  • @MasonSemmy Proats! What kind of surplus are you targeting and how well are you tolerating it?
  • @gmcurtis With training going well I wouldn't mess with your diet or prioritize weight loss. Not even sure I'd program in weight training either unless you can make sure you're taking in enough recovery time. Sounds like you're pretty busy...make sure you consume enough rest.
  • I've actually moved the scale over a couple inches and re-weighed myself in case it was "sitting funny" for my first reading. It never seems to make a difference, but I still get stuck on the idea that maybe I'm right and the scale is wrong.
  • @gmcurtis Are you happy with how training is going? If you're making solid progress there with your weight holding dead steady and within striking distance of your goal, I'd say you're in a pretty good place. Adding in the cycling should will probably tilt things in your favor. How long is the commute?
  • I don't like exercise, I only like training.
  • I manage my weight loss almost entirely by manipulating calories out. I had done a 6 month recomp/ bulk last year and counting calories (and managing macros) was way more important to me during that process.
  • What foods? (asked in the "gaining" forum) Nuts, granola, avocados, cheese, dried fruit (mmmmm figs and dates!). My trainer has a jar of protein peanut butter with her at all times.
  • I eat similar food and portions as when I'm not trying to cut weight but jack the "energy out" side of the equation. I'm moody about restricting my diet but feel great about myself for doing the extra work exercising. I just joined the "steps challenge" as part of the Fat To Fit group. It's a perfect tool for how I…
  • Looking at the results page and all I can say is 11.0 pounds?! yikes I actually went back to their team chat and she's dropping baby weight so not so crazy, but surprised me plenty when I saw that number.
  • What she said. @AnnPT77 ….you’re tops
  • ciaoder steps week ending 3/5 Sunday 3556 Monday 11826 Tuesday 7810 Wednesday 11571 Thursday 16467 Friday 5195 Saturday 19065 I'll get after it this week.
  • I’m a chef and have been to too many food shows. The only place with lower food quality than fast food is subsidized school lunch. How can anyone make a breaded chicken sandwich on a toasted roll with lettuce and mayo and it’s cheaper than an apple ? How good can it be? The fact is that most big food manufacturers have…
  • ciaoder March Challenge Week 1 weigh in Friday (March 4) PW 254.9 CW 250.4 Steps challenge? I want to do a steps challenge, tell me more please.
  • I'll not recommend any specific bike as I have friends in the industry and so am biased. I will say that buying direct online can be a bit of a crap shoot and don't recommend it for anyone who is not already an enthusiast. Buy from a local shop if you can. Buying a bike is not unlike buying a pair of shoes. At $700 a lot…
  • Honest answer? The scale and mirror can both be liars so don't make your decisions based solely on what they tell you and don't be discouraged by them. Too many unhealthy decisions are made in response to the scale and seems that might be part of your past. Guard yourself against that.
  • My sciatica was a result of muscle imbalances that started with supination of my feet. Just the chain reaction. I almost never have bouts of pain anymore. My correction was better ankle mobility and careful choices picking footwear. It's kind of a shot in the dark, but maybe a mobility assessment would be revealing. I feel…
  • I sometimes make a puree of sundried tomato, balsamic vinegar, basil and olive oil for roasted veg. Soak the tomato in hot water to soften them up first. I joined a different gym this week. I'll keep my PlanetFitness membership as I've made a lot of friends working there. The new place is a tiny Snap24 franchise. Only…
  • @MelodyD18 Do you have a specialist advising you about treatment for your hip? I have a couple thoughts to share, but you really need people you trust guiding you through this. I needed double total hip replacement in my early 40's and put off addressing it for far too long setting myself up for a lot of pain and struggle…
  • Never got anything bad from Mountain Hardware for outdoor gear but I I mostly don’t need that level of performance anymore. Columbia outlet gives great bang for the buck. Lowe Alpine was my all time favorite. Sweats are always Champion reverse weave. TriBlend t shirts from Bella canvas 100% of the time.
  • mmmm...sweet potato stew. I'll have mine West Indian coconut curry style please.
  • Plain roast chicken breast with no added sugar BBQ sauce is fair game 24/7. Something so much more satisfying about using a fork and eating from a plate than if I have a bar or a shake. @Idontcareyoupick I was unaware that there was such a thing as a "leftover eggroll". I'm sure there's never been one in my house. Probably…
  • The body adapts to the stimulation is experiences. Ask your body to do things that are really hard and it will respond and improve. If you never ask more from yourself you’ll stay where you are.