Bobbiejo1966 Member


  • Hey your story sounds like mine but just in a little bit different I'm 55 years old when I was 18 I was 180 pounds. I got to be 400 lb after having kids and bad marriages family deaths Two years ago and at 400lbs became diabetic ,high blood pressure , had open heart surgery ,got kidney disease you name it I had it. When I…
  • Hay Great job, one thing since on being on dialysis I have learned that a lot of weight is all about water and I only consume about 32 oz to 40 oz of water a day and it really keeps my water down and my weight down I have lost watching what I eat and how much water I put in my body in the last two years 200 lb but I am…
  • I currently lost 210 lbs in 2 years I started at a little over 400 lb I am naw 217lbs I have a lot of excess skin and I don't know where to start at in finding the right size pants I was 180 lb in school and wore a size 18 because I had wide hips 16s I liked a lot because they fit really good and snug now with all this…