fatty2begone Member


  • I happen to get a belly bloat after running. It goes away and does not stick around (few hours for me) I think this is fairly common. Although googling this, seems to affect others differently for how long it sticks around. Now for the water weight, usually when pushing myself or longer distance miles, I will see a…
  • I am a solid dd to ddd. I just bought a zip front, back hook from Carrie Underwoods line. Cali I think the name brand? It is by far the best bra for running. I dont have to dislocate my shoulder to get the pull overs off when sweaty. Keeps me bounce free... Purchased from Dicks sporting store. I have used Nike, Under Amor,…
  • Another added benefit of running...Maybe TMI, but for the ladies...In my experience it has also strengthened the bladder muscles. No more accidental leaks from sneezes or urgency to hit the bathroom. BTW 54 female.
  • [quote="neanderthin;c-47467366"]Try gaining weight by just eating steak, yeah, almost impossible. Got my hands of a dry aged 1kg choice grade steak, and that's going on the outdoor grill tonight. Maybe I'll add some carbs too. Cheers[/quote] That is a challenge I think I must try. (just currious if a stool softener is…
  • Steak! MMMM drooling at the mouth meme needed.
  • I ran 3 miles yesterday, after taking a week off running. No pain in the shoulder area today. I think rest, ice/heat, and exercises cwolfman mentioned all helped. Have a great weekend!
  • Thank you Brian & Cwolfman for the replies. Looking at traps and lats exercises to see if it is something I can resolve. If no luck, once I see the primary, get her opinion, a sports doc might be in order. I am going to try for another run tomorrow morning. I will keep my shoulders relaxed, posture good and see what…
  • Edit to original post.. Should be right shoulder, not left shoulder. I do have an appointment with primary doctor on May 18th. Just curious if anyone has had any experience with similar experience. I am going to get new shoes between now and doc appointment to see if that has anything to do with the shoulder pain. Just a…
  • I love this. Thanks for sharing your story and cheers to your success.
  • One persons slow is another person fast. One persons fast is another persons slow. +++ for the you are going to fast. It really doesn't matter if you think you are going slow already. If you are going too fast, you will not be able to go the distance. Go even slower than you think you are already going. C25K is not a race…
  • I took back to running about a year ago. I definitely prefer running outside to treadmill running. There are days were it seems impossible to finish a 5k and days when it seems the running gods are smiling upon you and you can go much farther. I think this is normal. (I dont have asthma or physical aliment, but my head…
  • If I could do a back flip in honor of you I would. I guess I will have to settle for a summersault. Congrats!
  • I feel BL pain with the Cheeze-its. I havent had any since the end of January as I could gobble the whole dang box in one sitting. What an inspiration the two of you are. Thanks for blogging!
  • I second the c25k ap. I have been running consistently since starting the program in 02/22. I am in no way fast, but faster than the couch potato I was. Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes that are properly fitted. Build up slowly. I run with music as it has a way of moving me forward. I love to run outside,…
  • Although a light rain this AM, I ran and walked the dog. Didn't melt so guess I am not made of sugar
  • Why can I not find the dog food eaten by my very finicky dog? It has been over 3 weeks of searching and none to be found (includes chewy search). Last stop at the store the dog food isle was almost wiped out. What is going on?
  • I will quietly go back to reading the posts in my arm chair and keep my thoughts and experiences to myself. I have been respectful in my BIAS opinion and you have been mostly respectful. In the end, I hope all of us have made the best decisions for ourselves. I guess time will tell. Stay healthy and happy.
  • New Running Shoes. After returning a new pair that just wasnt right, I came home with a pair that I adore! Plus, the purple color makes this 54 year old woman feel like a 9 year old girl. Now if only my physical body could say the same.
  • @kshama2001 However, now that it is July 2022 with over 12 billion doses administered world wide, there is plenty of data.[/quote] I am not trying to persuade or dissuade anyone from being vaxxed or not vaxxed. I was stating my personal experience. I believe I have made a wise choice for myself. I hope your choice is wise…
  • I have had covid twice. The 1st time November 2020 extreme headaches, with most every other symptom except difficulty breathing. I would say I was in bed sick for about 6 days. It took a couple months to get my stamina back to normal level. Just plain tired a big portion of the time. I had covid again December 2021 (Most…
  • As I haven't seen any recent posts, I hope all is well in the Spring household. I have taken a leave from the "diet" world and am finally back into a good frame of mind and spirit to get the journey going again. Fortunately, I have been maintaining within a 3 pound range. (I didnt expect to burn out but none the less it…
  • Some people carry more weight in their legs. (I am one of those people). Weight loss and running has helped slim my legs. With that said, they still are on the larger side. More weight loss will help in my case. I have a long torso and shorter legs so I am pretty sure thats a contributing factor. I will never have the…
  • I am in this group too. I know I still have a lot of weight to take off, looking at photos brings size to reality, but looking in the mirror I think I look better than I do. I also have a long torso so I am slim waisted compared to others in my weight category. I see a flat stomach and thinnish waist and that is tricking…
  • @ReenieHJ If you can do black or just frothed coffee for a week or two and then try coffee with added sugar, you will find the sugar coffee disgusting. Just MHO. (I used to drink coffee with 2 packs of sweetener at one time.)
  • Its been awhile and just wanted to drop back in. I normally walk the dog for a mile after each run. My dog expects this..., However, after taking some advice from above posters, the last 2 runs I have walked the dog before my run. What a huge improvement. The warm up prior to the run has made a huge difference. I have run…
  • @COGypsy I just finished the c25k about 2 months ago. (I had previously run steady for 2 to 3 years, not running for 10 years and putting on 60 pounds from my fittest prior running). I needed the structure to get back to running again. I had/have days of muscle soreness, but not pain. Side stiches from eating to early…
  • I did a free Zen app from my I phone. It started at 60 second runs and did this for 1 week (3 x's week). Then progressed to 90 second runs. An increase every week. This was an 8 week program. I finished this at the end of March. I repeated a couple weeks until I was ready to progress to the next level. (I think it took me…
  • Just my two cents, Sams Club has their brand of jeans for around $13. (Maybe more now due to inflation). Nothing fancy, but my husband uses these for his work jeans. He says they are comfy as they have some stretch. BTW I love the visual of the chip clip... (My new goal to give the chip clip a tryout when I get there :D )…
  • I am a slow runner, just started back at it after a 10 year break. (I have always been a slow runner). I had to complete c25k as I could barely run for 1.5 minutes straight. I am now back to 3 to 4 mile runs, only 3 x weekly. I would like to get to 4 x weekly, but I need the recovery time still. BTW I am 53, soon to be 54.…