Sylebration Member


  • Fat isn't inherently bad and not all fat is created equal. Peanut butter, as well as many nuts, contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats or "good fats". Some nuts like cashew, Brazil, and macadamia aren't great because they contain higher saturated fats, so I'll give you that. I also think it will really depend on…
  • Cottage cheese! It's my fav lol. Also peanut butter. I'm a fan of the white chocolate flavor 😋 but any kind you like is great. Nuts are also a good one. Beans are another easy protein source you can add to just about any meal.
  • I've done this twice now. The first time I really struggled and it was so hard to shed any weight. This time I'm armed with more medical knowledge(of myself) than I had before and I've switched to vegetarian, low fat. This time I feel like it's a lot easier. It also has a lot to do with treating some underlying illnesses.…
  • Feel free to add me. My diary is open to friends and I'm on at least once a day.
  • Have you been to the doctor? I would really suggest going and getting a full blood panel. I had a really hard time losing weight for so long and would get dizzy and sick when trying. Come to find out I have hashimotos. After finding that out, it all made sense. I'm now treating my underlying condition and have devised a…
  • Feel free to add me.
  • No real words of wisdom but I understand what you're going through. I lost my dad on March 6. It's really hard, isn't it? But, I find strength knowing he'd want me to be happy and healthy. It's what he always use to say so that's what I'm trying to do, live every day for both of us. Like you said, that stubbornness comes…
  • Currently reading "Oona Out Of Order" So, far, so good. It's not like anything else I've read and I'm enjoying it.
  • I'm going to send you a FR! I know you can do this and I'm happy to provide support and encouragement. One day at a time, you've got this!
  • Hi! I sent you a FR. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos last year. It really helped me a lot once I got my diagnosis and started treating it. It helped me understand a lot about why things were happening to me. I know how hard it can be.
  • Add me if you're looking for a supportive friend. I check my feed at least once a day and comment and have an open diary for friends. I recently went vegetarian for my health but friends of all diets are welcome! Can't wait to meet you!
  • I'd love to have more active and chatty friends.
  • I'm been on MFP a long time on and off. Sometimes I do great, other times I struggle. I'm currently in the struggle chapter and looking for friends to be keep each other going. That's one thing I've learned, I do better when I surround myself with like minded individuals. I'm not perfect but I'm trying.
  • Hey!!! I'm on the same journey and trying to set that example for my kiddos. My blood work came back and I needed to make a change for my health. I also have worked really hard to make sure my self worth isn't tied to my weight. It's been a LONG road. But, I feel that every step of it has made it possible for me to make…