Comment here if you want more friends!!



  • Sylebration
    Sylebration Posts: 22 Member
    I'm been on MFP a long time on and off. Sometimes I do great, other times I struggle. I'm currently in the struggle chapter and looking for friends to be keep each other going. That's one thing I've learned, I do better when I surround myself with like minded individuals. I'm not perfect but I'm trying.
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me
  • FieldHockeyGirl18
    FieldHockeyGirl18 Posts: 12 Member
    I welcome friends too!
  • jmart8898
    jmart8898 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for friends as well!
  • porgy_58
    porgy_58 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all. I am a newbie who is looking for likeminded friends. I need motivation to keep my momentum.

    My main form of exercise (right now) is walking/hiking my dog, Ace, at Smith Mountain Lake Park.
  • Rhenley69
    Rhenley69 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes! I'd love to be friends! It is hard to make friends as adults. I moved to where I am 2 years ago, and I still don't know many people. That I work from home and travel quite a bit for that job don't help!

    Anyway...yes, friends, please!
  • Tdavenport0110
    Tdavenport0110 Posts: 8 Member
    Can I get some motivational friends? Where y’all at?
  • amanda32390
    amanda32390 Posts: 8 Member
    I’m down to gain some MFP friends!
  • westhoeltrstubbs
    zachduden wrote: »
    I'm always accepting friend requests from motivational and inspirational people, so feel free to add me! Also, leave a comment below if you would like others to add you! :)

    Please add me
  • Miarlaurent
    Miarlaurent Posts: 10 Member
    Trying to stay motivated to log in every day- always open to new friends to help! 😁
  • bubbabr
    bubbabr Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I've been back on mfp since October 2022, making good progress, but keen to get some more friends in my feed to draw motivation from and hopefully motivate in turn. Mostly running for me, with some walking, swimming and walking thrown into the mix.
  • jkazo7539
    jkazo7539 Posts: 10 Member
    Just started working out again need some motivating friends!
  • cyn_love
    cyn_love Posts: 94 Member
    Me me me! I'm 32, currently about 280lbs, focused on getting to 255 by the end of May. End goal somewhere around 170.
  • ThisIsMegs53
    ThisIsMegs53 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all, looking for some friends to motivate and hold me accountable!

  • MeganLuna13
    MeganLuna13 Posts: 11 Member
    Me! 25 pounds down in 52 days, have at least another 75 pounds to go. Here to help motivate and to be motivated. We got this! :)
  • Trackchick04
    Trackchick04 Posts: 4 Member
    Friends always welcome!
  • isabellamlambeth
    Hey! I'm Isabella! I'm beyond ready for this and I can't wait :) I can already see the results before they've appeared!
  • Pipssweat101
    Pipssweat101 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me, I’m fairly new and using MFP alongside teamrh fitness
  • JacquelineRochelle
    Well hello! I’ve been here for years but have never used the community feature before. I’m a 50 year old secondary school teacher and I need to lose some weight to fit into all my cool teacher dresses. I think 40 lbs will make a huge difference! I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Looking forward to sharing the journey. ☺️
  • patriciazunigaartist5650
    My name is MJ and I am new to this app. I really need inspirational friends. Please add me. By the way, I don’t know how to add friends. I’m super embarrassed about this, but I don’t know where to go to make a friend request if someone can help.