antigymrat Member


  • The best cardio workout is finding the one you enjoy the most! I have a bunch of unused gym equipment in my workout room... :( I found that in order to get into a routine, I needed to join aerobics classes - and I found Zumba to be my favorite thing ever! It's been over a year and I can't see myself ever NOT doing it. What…
  • Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I found that to lose weight I had to go through being hungry. If you can put up with being hungry for a few days while your body is adjusting to a smaller amount of food than you normally eat, then you will get past the hunger part and your body will adjust to the smaller portions. I never weighed food or tracked…
    in Hello Comment by antigymrat March 2022
  • At our age, we don't have to really worry about our faces anymore. Being fit is way more important. Leave the face worrying to the younger women.
  • See your doctor as it might be a medical issue (like your hormones are really doing a number on you this month)...but if it is not a medical issue then finding a balance is key. Maybe you are restricting your calories too much so your body is really holding onto what you do eat and eating a bit more might help...maybe you…
  • Same here as snowflake. Definitely go to the gym at your regular schedule, but do 10% of what you normally do...then increase over time until you are back to full force. The big factor is to make yourself show up on schedule because it's easy to make it a habit of NOT going.
  • It's not the high fructose corn syrup that is the problem - it's the processed food that's the problem.