heatherdpaulick Member


  • Hi y’all! I am trying to get back at it again. I think I kinda gave up a bit when I hit a plateau and couldn’t (still can’t) get away from the same 4lbs…I started with MFP in April…SW 200, CW 182.2, GW 150. I’ve been struggling with the same 4-5lbs for weeks, so I got frustrated and kinda gave up. I started an account on…
  • Hi! I would love to be buddies with y’all while we take things journey together. I started MFP in April…SW 200, CW 182, GW 150. I am stuck in the 182-185 range and have been for a bit. I figured I was bored with MFP, and lack of accountability I had other than to myself (I didn’t have any support from others), so I started…
  • Hi! I would love to be buddies in our journey.
  • I would love to join the party! I am struggling with my weight loss at the moment. I started with MFP in April, SW was 200lbs, CW is 182.8…I can’t seem to get out of the 180’s…I will gain and lose, gain and lose…my GW is 150. I would love some accountability buddies to take this journey with me.
  • Hi! I would love to be accountability buddies! I am 48. I have been struggling with this journey (this time) since April. SW: 200 CW: 182 GW: 150 Would love to link as friends on here and take this journey together…anyone?