Same issue on Android. Cannot sync MFP app with website. Can sync between Garmin Connect (steps and exercise) but have to log out of MFP app and log in again. IDGAF about that though, I want MFP calories in the Garmin Connect app, for that to work MFP app needs to be able to sync with its own servers which it is failing to…
Started using MFP yesterday, worked at first, broken within hours. Same issue as others have described, unable to sync MFP data from android app to the website, which means Garmin Connect is out of sync (it can sync but there is no data to fetch!) MFP app will not pick up steps or exercise captured by Garmin Connect until…
Started using MFP today, it synced at least once today this afternoon and failed to sync between app and website since. This also means none of the data is getting synced to Garmin, everytime just says sync failed ... great start