djaape96 Member


  • I dont know if its possible that different body type results in some people always having the belly fat and some not, my arms always looked ripped, while my belly was always fat found pic from my teen days, when i used to work out alot, even then i cudnt get the V shape aka get rid of muffin top
  • Thats the worst part, the scale isnt moving down by alot, even though im on a cut, cause muscle is being built and fat is being lost, like i got SMM skeletal muscle mass 40.1 kg with 22,3 % body fat, reckon its quite decent, yet the fat is killing me, wishing it went down to 10-13% faster
  • Been doing great on 1600 kcal sunday is only day. I do 2.3k, didnt take gear without consulting people beforehand, just wanted to know how ling it usually takes
  • It does goes faster though, strength increase is huge i can say which is what i love, i just wish results were like in a week