LadyOzark Member


  • Debbie Your DH met The Beaver! :smiley: I’m glad he took time for himself! Also happy you two spent sometime together relaxing. :) Given my family is here my dh and I def need more date time! We *finally* got a little rain! Thank goodness too. It’s been awfully dry around here. Do you see the rainbow? :smile:
  • Good morning all! Weather is milder today thankfully with some overcast skies but the hot stuff over 100 is coming…. My oldest and her boyfriend are supposed to be coming up next week and I can’t wait!! They were digging a hole for a peach tree down in Texas and they unearthed cool treasure! Grandmallie Oooh mattress…
  • Barbara The stone is labradorite and one of my favorites! Debbie I wish there was a solution to get you and your dh out of the caretaking role. :( It gives me such memories of how there were times I felt so with my MIL. She wasn’t near as bad but it wears and it’s not easy. I’m a glass is half full person. Always have…
  • Happy Friday all! :) Just back from a little 2 Day / 3 Night excursion my oldest bought for us to ‘get away’ and enjoy time alone! We stayed at a lovely B&B in the historical town of Eureka Springs. <3 We showed up to check in and the cottage we were supposed to stay in had a bad A/C so we were upgraded to an even nicer…
  • Have a great week ladies! Today is about laundry and getting my kiddo finally moved into her new place. The final act? Moving 12 chickens from our property to hers! We built them a new hoop coop and they’re going to love it. They aren’t laying eggs YET but will begin soon! Lanette Silversmithing was so much fun! I’m going…
  • K That’s a nice scale! It’s funny though … I had forgotten we had one similar. I stopped using that function and will rekindle! Heather & Machka My heart goes out to you as well Machka. You’re truly amazing for all you do. Love is powerful. Heather your note on loss made me tear up! You write very well. Also - Gorgeous…
  • Hello friends - (Leslie from the Ozark’s) Based on all the conversations on privacy I decided to change my username. B) Ugh.. Insomnia is rearing it’s ugly head. I better put my cellphone down. I have my last day of silver smithing tomorrow and will need to focus. Have a wonderful day and morning all!! >^. .^<. Leslie