kerry6167 Member


  • Wow. I don’t know if any of you are able to see this from me but Thank you all so much for the suggestions and words of support. I’m really touched at how understanding you all are and I appreciate not feeling judged. :)
  • Yeah my Dr did say swimming and I did have a pool membership but then Covid hit and I couldn’t chance being in close proximity of other people because I’m immune compromised. I also have a really hard time being in a swim suit in public. I have had someone mention to me before about chair exercises. Forgot about that till…
  • Wow! That is awesome! And it’s great you are so motivated. Good journey to you.
  • I’m new but I’m really liking this program. And I wish you luck on your journey.
  • I’m new here too but welcome and it’s great you’re looking to take care of YOU. I know it’s hard to do when you have little ones.
    in Hello Comment by kerry6167 July 2022