HeevenleeRose Member


  • Hi all We are finally back in our house and getting set up. Trying to get back in the swing of things. Doc said it was a very nasty flair up from my gi stuff that caused me to get very ill. You should see me on here regularly and getting back and ready for the challenge.
  • Hi everyone @Dianedoessmiles1 I am better thanks for asking. All my counts and infection white count is in range. @Tabatha_Cain It was crazy I can tell you that. I am on the mend now and on some preventive meds to take to hopefully it want happen. I was extremally ill. I go back to all my docs Tuesday. Well they are all…
  • Hi there's, Well here goes another update for you all during Christmas Week. After the fall and putting Bella to sleep. I was starting to feel not right, started having my what I call gi flare up with ulcers and fever blisters. I stated my protocol for that. We'd morning I woke up to my mother having a stoke and being…
  • Hi everyone It's me not sure when I last posted so I'll just feel you in you might have heard it sorry if you have I've not thinking straight. Right afteri Ijoined here my 4 year old doxie Bella stopped moving and eas starting to scoot on her legs. We rushed her to the vet and said it was a pinched never and we started on…
  • Hi everyone, Just quick post and update. I promise to get personals soon. Yesterday morning while taking care of Bella I fell thru my floor and hit the ground. Luckly I got just terrible pain. Hubs was at work and thank God I had my cell phone and my parents came right on. We are for a while living with my parents. They…
  • Hi everyone, Sorry no personals tonight. It's been a crazy 2 days and I am exhausted l. Bella has a pinch nerve in her back. They gave her a Lazer treatment and tons of medicine. I told her she gets lots of meds like Mommy lol. I am really concerned when they said back.we had a larger doxie before and never had back…
  • @macrat12 I love the motivation that you give, great way to start the day.Well done. You truly inspire me, love how you do your training days and write up. It went from high of 75 yesterday to 31today. Wish this weather would get somewhere and stay put, not here in Lousiana. I have never had just a couch that would not go…
  • @Dianedoessmiles1 Well my frist adult dog was namesd Lzzy 😆 this made laugh 😃 so hard. Need that tonight. Bella has hurt her legs even going up her stairs before and she was fine that evening. Both my doxies are Minnie's and super hyper. This is different. She's been on the side of me since we got home. She finally stopped…
  • @Kurtize and @Dianedoessmiles1 Thank you so much Hi to everyone, Today is family Sunday and we spend time together at my parents house every week. Felling a little worried and concerned, We woke up to my baby doxie Bella shes 4 but still my baby lol. Not moving right. Shes moving not to fast and hurting somewhere in her…
  • @carpaedeum Tried to send you a friend requests but your profile is private
  • @macrat12 Thanks for the inspiration I needed that today.Great job :) Stay warm. We are in the 70s today and getting in the 40s Sunday. I have been fighting a cough here in la one day is hot and the next day its freezing so ready for it to just stay one way or another
  • Hi everyone, Hope everyone is doing well. My name is Heevenlee I have been here a long time ago and then I got very ill and had to work that out before I could come back and join you all. I can't wait to get started with the new challenge and began again. Cant wait to catch up with some old ones and make friends with…
  • Would love to join you all in the new challenge if there is one
  • How many 5% Challenges have you done? not sure I was on here a long time ago and had to step away due to being very sick What do you like to do for fun? gamming, What major city do you live in or near? State? Lake Charles Louisiana What are you health/fitness goals for this season? Start losing and feeling better How would…
  • Hi theres, My name is Heevenlee. I have been here before a long time ago. I have since been very sick. I had to step away for a long time to do lots of test to see whats been going on with me. I have been put on lots and I mean lots of meds and I have gained my whole loss back and even more. I would love to have friends…
  • Hi there been here before a long time ago trying to get back to it and lose this weight for good pls pls add me
  • any team will do