Airport VIP Lounge Chat



  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain nope I walk 45-60 min every day my rest days are active recovery days.

    Insight Timer Quote: Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.—Laozi
    I AM: I am open to the process of self-discovery.
    Action for Happiness: Look for the good in others and notice their strengths.
    Pliability QOTD: Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.—Pele
    Day 4 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I did 6.03 miles. Day 4 of 75 Hard Complete. Now beginning Day 5 of 75 Hard with a 16OZ bottle of water before I get my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ bottle.
  • chansen_2000
    chansen_2000 Posts: 200 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!!!
    I'm new to this challenge on MyFitnessPal. I'm not new to this type of challenge, I used to be on SparkPeople. I hope I remember how to do this!!! Please be patient with me.

    I live in Florida and today was a lovely 74 degrees and sunny. We're expecting rain tomorrow and maybe Sunday.

    I'm ready to get started on this new challenge, I have an April 11th goal and fingers crossed, will make it with everyone's help.
  • Kurtize
    Kurtize Posts: 6,101 Member
    Happy Friday and first weekend in Jan. Cold 37 outside, snow stayed around until about 2 today, @Dianedoessmiles1. Here are 2 pictures from last night that Don took.

    Have a great night, hugs and blessings. Best wishes as we begin our challenge.

    today's inspiration: “Create consciously, love unconditionally, live joyously!”

  • HeevenleeRose
    HeevenleeRose Posts: 66 Member
    Hi all

    We are finally back in our house and getting set up. Trying to get back in the swing of things. Doc said it was a very nasty flair up from my gi stuff that caused me to get very ill. You should see me on here regularly and getting back and ready for the challenge.
    CSEGUIN2 Posts: 5,646 Member
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Thanks for all the support and suggestions.

    My ex isn't the father of my Son but has been in his life for most of it. I can understand my ex's feelings some what. He hasn't lived with us for many years and the ex has gotten stuck in his ways but I don't consider that a great excuse.

    Anyways this week has been a long one. But so glad to have three days off. Wednesday was the most stressful of them all. I even cried at work. The ex has been sick and has done nothing around the house even when he has been feeling well. Today I went out and got some new bras that were way overdue. So much more comfortable. I am one step closer to freedom as this week I was finally taken off the ex's check. Next step is to figure out my finances so I can cover my expenses and still save money for the move. I can and will do this.
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,592 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain ,, WOOHOO on the sales Tabatha!! WTG!! Hope you can find the transport for the client! ENJOY the weekend!! I also walk inside my place. IT's super small and I DO MEAN IT'S SUPER SMALL!! But that builds my legs UP!! Nicer, stronger muscles from the small turns.
    @chansen_2000 ,, Awwww Carol WB!! I remember you easily!! We were both on the Dawggie team for quite awhile! In the time you've not been with us, I'm down to 174!! WOW!! AND WALKING!!! When the Spring Challenge comes if you'd like to be with a team that has half the members from the Dawggie team (through the years) we are Positively Strong 4 Life, if you would like back, I'll warn ya, as it was on Sparks we are team who fills up super fast! Usually in 24 hours. Depending on which team you end up on you'll likely know members from Sparks!! If you are on Shape Shifters if you knew Gouldsgrante (Janey) is now the Captain (was CL) I think you knew Ceri some she's on Gr8ters. So many of us around!! HEY WB!! I STILL get just as Excited as always for SNOW!! Sunday FINALLY we'll have some. We've gone 300 days WITHOUT SNOW in the Greater Portland Maine area!! YO!!
    @Kurtize , NOW I WANT SOME!! We are supposed to get 6 to 10"s we'll see, but WOOHOO FINALLY some coming on SUNDAY is a FUNDAY!! LOL Even more so!! AND the Pats are playing the Jets!! LOL IN DA SNOW!! We laugh so hard at the games as we are WARM!!
    @HeevenleeRose, OH NO!! SO very very sorry!!! WOW!! How fast things can change!! Please let your Captain know if you need any extra considerations. Slowly pick up on exercise and NEVER OH PLEASE ***ALL MEMBERS*** NEVER exercise to the point of pain. Please never put yourself at risk.
    @CSEGUIN2 , YOu are a very strong woman!! If you are at any physical/emotional/etc risk please reachout to the local domestic violence program. They know of fundings to help the victim to secure a safe place. Which can include housing. They are also a great resourse for support and more. We are here with you, but have seen through the years how strong you really are. Resilience is a word I'd use for you if I could choose only one word.
  • lavalily
    lavalily Posts: 2,161 Member
    Several people were curious about the food plan I mentioned that I use.
    "The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet" by Robert Santos-Prowse, MS, RD
    This book explains the validity and success of this combination. I highly recommend it. Let me know what you think.
  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,454 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this morning. Today is Saturday. We are quite busy today. We will be taking one of my dogs to the vet, Joe has bloodwork to get done today, and we are going to be starting to pack up my son's things. He is now living with his boyfriend and although they don't have room for all of my son's things my son ok'd me packing his stuff up and storing it in his old bedroom. Which he still stays in on ocassion when I am away and he is here with the dogs. I am also going to try and get some decent exercise in today.

    @macrat12 - So then those are stretching and stuff days? How many miles have you walked just since the 1st of the month?
    @chansen_2000 - Welcome. I am sure you will reach your goal by April. I too have been with these challenges since SparkPeople.
    @Kurtize - I think we are suppose to get some snow this weekend, but also a major storm Tuesday and Wednesday this coming week. Love the photos.
    @HeevenleeRose - I am so glad you are doing better. My husband has gut issues also.
    @CSEGUIN2 - So glad you are getting things taken care of. It will definitely help with the sanity of the situation.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I was able to find transportation for the client. They are going to take an uber. There just is no transportation from the airport to the hotel where they need to go.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain I do mobility daily and try a longer routine on my active recovery days. So far I've gone 30.9 miles since January 1st.

    Insight Timer Quote: Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.—Thich Nhat Hanh
    I AM: I choose to find positivity.
    Action for Happiness: Take 5 minutes to sit still and just breathe.
    Pliability QOTD: Believe you can and you’re halfway there.—Theodore Roosevelt
    Day 5 of 75 Hard Complete and beginning Day 6 with a 16OZ bottle before going to get my protein coffee and fill my 64OZ. Day 5 of 2024 miles in 2024 complete and I did 6.54 miles.
  • vexedangel678
    vexedangel678 Posts: 263 Member
    @vexedangel678 What do you do for work? I am officially retired now. WOW! Those years went by SUPER FAST!! My favorite times at the store was before a blizzard (I live in Maine) or any storm we might lose electricity (LOL In the 90s I could not believe how many would RUSH in to rent videos!! Hehehehe no electricity LOLOL) or at holiday time.

    I can't wait to retire! :) I have about 10-ish more years. I work in schools, which is a good gig, I'm glad and lucky to have it. I'm a music therapist, so I work with students with disabilities using music to reach [non-musical] IEP goals.
  • chansen_2000
    chansen_2000 Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!!!! I'm going to have to re-learn how to post my progress.
  • hicim705
    hicim705 Posts: 5,366 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!!!! I'm going to have to re-learn how to post my progress.

    Whenever you have a question, make sure you reach out to me or to one of my RED HOTS co-leaders or your Red Hots team.
  • kaliswalker
    kaliswalker Posts: 1,311 Member
    edited January 6
    Welcome everyone! It's nice to see all my teammates/cheerleaders here. I wish you all a Happy & Healthy 2024!

    Hi VIP's! We are your cheerleaders!📣🏅
    Last night hubby and I went for photos for the church directory. It said to bring pets so we took our 2 dogs. There were so excited it was hard to get them calmed down for a picture. Then I passed them to a friend to watch so we could have pictures without them.

    We had bacon and eggs this morning. I looked at the calories on the package and realized that is for the raw weight. I have always limited my serving to 2 slices based on that. This morning I splurged and had 3.

    I walked my dog Rebel this morning. I am cleaning house and will do a YouTube exercise later. I live on the coast in the Pacific Northwest area. It a sunny 43F/6C today. I will start yard work soon.

    I this month. It's nice to have more free time and without a long to do list.

    I made a playlist on Alexa with lively music for kitchen dancing when I am cooking. Do you have suggestions for some to add?

    @mlkdud Congratulations on your weight loss. I wish you continued success! What diet is working for you? Where did you set up your treadmill?

    @Tabatha_Cain I hope you MIL is nicer to you in 2024. How does white noise affect you? I think I tried but it didn't help.

    @macrat12 I give it a listen later. I googled it.

    @cormierannie You are starting the New Year in a good way.

    @Kurtize it sounds like you are successfully moved in and have great new neighbors.

    @chansen_2000 @vexedangel678 & @NoelAnnne zf8lovm65sr6.png
    @bookieNJ I hope all goes well with the band.

    @HeevenleeRose Good to hear things are going well now.

    @CSEGUIN2 I wish you and your family all the best. Big hug.

    @lavalily Sounds like an interesting diet.

    @hicim705 Nice to see you here!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,592 Member
    @lavalily, TY TY TY for the suggestion!
    @Tabatha_Cain , how did the packing for S go? Are you going to repupose the room? NICE job on helping the client, they can also use Uber for the airport to the hotel. I find Uber is quite a bit cheaper than a taxi. GREAT JOB Tabatha!! ENJOY the weekend!
    @Macrat12, NICE JOB!
    @vexedangel678 , Oh what a COOL JOB!! That's so neat!! I had been a foster grandmother in Portland ME, it turned out and I DID LAUGH SO HARD, I was assigned to the same school I had attended as a kid!! LOL One day (I worked with a 2nd grade classroom it had 19 kids, 16 boys! LOL SO FUNNY!!) I told the kids "Grandma (They called me that, it was my postion with them) used to come to school over 50 years ago!! (Their little eyes were so huge it got me to giggling!) and I used to tie my dinosaur right over there on that tree!! It was smaller at that time." LOL I forgot to tell them otherwise. LOLOL!! Mrs M (Teacher) and I got along so well!! She just turned her back to laugh she enjoyed all of my stories as much as the kids did, maybe MORE! I'd take them down to music and stay with them since we had a few students who did not speak English (they did though quickly pick it up! I loved that!). It was so much fun watching the kids who loved music really come alive who may not in the classroom. TY TY TY For doing such an important job!! Music helps people "speak" when they have trouble expressing themselves.
    @chansen_2000 , Awww you are with @Hicim705 HEIDI!! You will be so well taken care of!! HI HEIDI!!
    @Kaliswalker, hey Lynn hope you enjoy the weekend. WE HAVE SNOW coming! I LOVE SNOW as you know.
  • imustloseit1
    imustloseit1 Posts: 387 Member
    Well, here it is the first day of the challenge and I am about preparted as a ?????, I haven't even thought really about my approach to the challenge. Guess I had better get my mind wrapped around something beside the house. As some of you know we have torn out the old carpet and am putting wood flooring down in our dining room, so everything that was in there is now thru out the house, and it is driving me crazy. I don't like a messy house, and everythings hellter-skelter and then this darn gunk I have had and I am about ready to crawl out of my skin, and poor hubby has had to put up with my grumpiness. Got the flooring all sitting in the corner, just waiting for son 2 to come and lay it. That is one thing about cheat help is that you have to wait for just the right time. In the next couple days I will spent sometime deciding what the next 10 week will bring, So Gals, and Guys, lets make this first week a success. Linda

  • Tabatha_Cain
    Tabatha_Cain Posts: 4,454 Member
    Good Morning Airport Friends:

    I hope you are all doing well this very early morning. Today is Sunday and Joe and I have church today. We will be driving to church. To say I need church today is an understatement. I got nothing done yesterday other than grocery shopping. I ended up getting my ultrasound results back from the radiologist. My doctor has not read them yet. The hospital released them to me first. I was having some female issues a while back and they found some issues they wanted to recheck in 3 months and well my 3 months came and here is what they found this time:

    The left ovary measures 5.4 x 3.8 x 5 cm. The hypoechoic structures within the left ovary are better visualized on today's exam. These have the sonographic appearance of several closely adjacent simple cystic structures with the 2 largest measuring 4.5 cm and 2.6 cm in greatest diameter. The larger suspected ovarian cyst has a small daughter follicle within measuring 1.8 cm. If this patient has no risk factors for ovarian cancer, it would be acceptable to these suspected left ovarian cyst in 6-12 months with pelvic ultrasound. If this patient has risk factors for ovarian cancer, further characterization with MRI pelvis would be recommended.

    I am totally freaking out at this point. It is way worse than they thought it was. I have already had precancer cells on my cervix when I was 22. So this really scares me. Then I just think about my husband. We just got married in June and he already had to bury one wife. How can I expect to make him go through this with me. It isn't fair to him. I feel angry that this is even happening when I am finally happy and so ready to conquer the world with the man of my dreams. I know it isn't a definitive diagnosis yet, but I feel like they wouldn't say that if it wasn't serious.

    @kaliswalker - That is awesome getting photos with your dogs. I don't think I could get mind to sit still long enough to get a picture. I love the song "Happy". The last name of the guy who sings it is Williams. I cannot remember his first name. Something like Pherrel. The white noise or more specifically the fan blowing helps me sleep more sound. I have an old house that likes to make a lot of noise and when the fan or white noise is going I don't hear all that extra stuff and I can sleep. Otherwise I lay awake listening to everything and my anxiety goes through the roof. I hope my MIL is nicer this year too.
    @Dianedoessmiles1 - I was able to score 4 boxes to pack some of my son's things in. I did not even get started yet. I will be getting more boxes today I think. I am going to repurpose the porch. Not sure how yet. I am thinking a treadmill. My son took over the porch for his gaming room and well it is a hot mess. It will probably take me a couple of days to box everything up. I am leaving his room alone for now as he does stay here when Joe and I go to Joe's parents. My son watches the animals while we are gone so he does need a place to sleep.
    @imustloseit1 - That must be frustrating to have the house all in an upheaval. I am sure you will get it straightened out soon though. I hope you are feeling better from that crud you had.

    Well I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

  • macrat12
    macrat12 Posts: 5,605 Member
    Insight Timer Quote: Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.—Carl Sagan
    I AM: I choose to look at the bright side.
    Action for Happiness: Learn something new and share it with others.
    Pliability QOTD: Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.—Robert Collier
    Day 6 of 75 Hard complete and now beginning Day 7 with a 16OZ bottle of water before going to get my protein coffee and fill up my 64OZ bottle. Day 6 of 2024 miles in 2024 and I had 5.21 miles yesterday.
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 329 Member
    edited January 7
    Exercise - I combined my walking today with moving all the pictures I have had stored since I had the walls in the house were painted. Now that I know we are going to move later this year, I pulled all these pictures out and sorted them. This required carrying them from where I had them stored to another room where I would sort them. It increased my walking time by probably 20 minutes versus what I would have just done walking...A double win!!!

    - There are some pictures I know I don't want to spend the money to move so they have been put in the give away pile. A couple were broken and thrown away. Some I know I am going to keep...but I have a 4th pile that I need to think about because I am not sure what I want to do with them.
    Many of the undecided are the pictures of my grandchildren I have been given over the years...I am thinking I might take them out of their frames and put all the pictures for each grandchild in one frame showing their chronological aging. Maybe this is one way to move from 10 to 15 pictures to just one.

    Anyone have any other suggestions?

    Weight Loss - now that I am back on IF 18:6 and eating healthy Keto...not only has my hunger dropped significantly...I am have lost 3.5 of the 6 pounds that I gained over New Years weekend. I really don't want to experience this weight gain again. I need to get to a healthy weight and then I need to learn how to stay there consistently.

    Let's ROCK this winter challenge
    ! - I am on board to Rock this challenge...Everyone else on board???

    Have a Great and Healthy Day!!! Gretl
  • 130StrongerEachYear
    130StrongerEachYear Posts: 329 Member
    @Tabatha_Cain - totally understand you freaking out...Just want to remind you that God is in charge and has a plan. We don't know what it is...I will pray for you

  • chansen_2000
    chansen_2000 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm still learning MFP, how do I respond to a particular person's message?
