ech9570 Member


  • Caylapa888 - I totally relate to your post! I had a period of time in my life in my early-mid 20's when I got down to "ballerina" size - just slightly underweight - after struggling throughout my childhood with my mother's incessant control of what I could or couldn't eat. I was very into ballet through high school and was…
  • So glad you brought this up. Please look at your total calories as a suggestion and not a rule. When I re-started recently, I increased my "allotted" number of calories so that it rose from about 1200 to 1600. (my starting weight was 222) I was having problems with meal planning and I cook for my husband as well. I also…
  • BouchtaDouaa - This is a very good question. And it's not as easy as point and click. First, you don't have to calculate the number of calories in a particular food. That's a procedure they do in a lab and it is literally the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 Gm of water 1 degree Celscius. So no. You…
  • curry306 - welcome! I am relatively new here, but have been at this weight loss thing for a long time. I should say - losing weight, gaining it back, losing, gaining, etc. all of which got my up to my highest weight ever. In the morbid obesity realm. I am coming back to this after a couple years for another try. I am…
  • As I understand it, you base your protein intake on the % of calories you are eating and not on your weight. So, MFP gives you a suggested daily calorie intake based on how quickly you want to reach your goal. Your daily protein intake would be 20% of that total number of calories. I guess you could say, then, that it is…
  • I need to get back to my smoothie habit from years ago. Here is one that I used to make over and over, using my Nutribullet: = A couple handfuls of fresh spinach = A handful of frozen pineapple chunks = A scoop of Isopure whey protein = About a tablespoon of dried gogi berries ('cause I had some that I needed to use) =…
  • donamm40 - Drinking tea is a wonderful idea. I do find that having a cup of tea - especially Constant Comment - with some sweetener - is satisfying and relaxing. I need to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder.
  • AnnPT77 Thanks so much for your reply. I do get caught up with being "perfect" with one diet or another. And if I'm not perfect, I fail. I like this: "being pretty good on average the majority of the time". The food tracking and goals on this app tempt me to be a perfectionist. But I don't have to be. Just eating healthier…
  • Overeating is my default coping mechanism. Has been as long as I can remember. So any time I'm stressed, sad, lonely, frustrated, anxious, tired, overwhelmed, disappointed, hurt, grieving, etc, etc. I overeat. And sometimes its just habit. "Everything in moderation - except popcorn" - Skinny Pop ad that I absolutely love.…
  • Well here I am back again. I seem to get stuck in a cycle of over-controlling my eating, quitting whatever program I'm on (MFP, WW, Noom, Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, OA, etc.) Mostly joining and quitting Weight Watchers. I want to overcome this cycle - it started in childhood with my mother over-controlling what I ate or…
  • I drink my morning coffee black - got used to this years ago when finding creamer or sweetener working in a hospital at night was nearly impossible - and anyway - didn't want to dilute the caffeine! But for late AM snack or decaf after dinner - the zero calorie coffeemate is great. I also have 0 calorie syrups or I use…
  • Santa was so nice to you! I've had a NutriBullet for a number of years. On a really good streak a few years ago I'd make a smoothie to drink on the way to the gym - with pineapple and spinach and Isopure protein powder (1 scoop), ground flax seed, acai berries, raw honey, a few icecubes and a splash or two of milk to…
  • Hello everybody and Happy New Year I’ve hung around MFP for a while but never got serious about it. Recently quit WW again (and again and again …) I’ve been an emotional eater for as long as remember. My desire to get back to a normal size has not gone away. I really appreciate this forum. Hoping to be celebrating a…
  • I meant to talk about the clothes thing. That post should be an introduction for a group. Sorry! At one point I had plastic tubs stacked up in the spare bedroom labeled "12-14. "16-18". "14W - 16W" I have been able to maintain an 18W-20W for a number of years. But I've agonized over my clothes - nice things I could no…
  • Hello everybody. I just reactivated my membership here. I have a hundred pounds to lose. Used to have 20 more than that, but I'm maintaining more or less at 223-225 for a long time. My diet history starts at age 4 when my mother put me on my first diet because the doctor told her I was over the 50th %'ile for my age. (She…