rippedwriter1 Member


  • I definitely agree with the protein shakes. Back in the day they were terrible, but, now that are actually good. On average, one scoop of a quality whey protein has between 20-25 grams of protein. I couple of those per day will really help get your protein levels up. And it also, makes sense to get in a shake post workout.
  • No you don't need to deadlift But it is a fantastic movement for all around body strength and for my money shoulder health as well. As for age and deadlifting I totally disagree. If you are healthy with no prior injuries that prevent you from doing the movement--why not. Teach them how to do the movement correctly from the…
  • I would have to say to forget about the body-fat calc and just go by the mirror. That will really always be your best guide. The thing is everyone is different, by this I mean some people hold water--while others don't--and the ones that don't could have slightly higher body-fat and still show good abs because they don't…
  • Exactly, The only people benefiting from "loading" are the people selling the stuff. It reminds me of the old weight gainers--they were actually fat gainers--they used to sell, back-in-the-day. If you mixed four scoops--and the scoops were huge--with four cups of whole milk--you will get a certain amount of calories. Yea,…
  • Right on abs are make in the kitchen. I would drop the hot chocolate and the milk before bed. Also, you can include some inverted rows, and overhead presses. You can also use the old bodybuilder trick of upping the protein and dropping the carbs. Get yourself a good quality mixed blend or even straight whey protein and…