Skyleen75 Member


  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 267 End Weight 174.8 7/25- 174.2 7/26- 172.8 And that is what happens when you are too busy to eat!!! I’m rushing around trying to accomplish six million things so I can “relax” with the fun group today. I wanted to sit out for…
  • @reshii_devi A lot of good moves in that one! One of these days we should set up a zoom workout!
  • @quiltingjaine Your granddaughter is beautiful! Also you reminded me that I could really use a spa day. @lisacantwell welcome! This is a very supportive and welcoming group. We all use a slightly different format on our daily posts. Ask any question you can think of and just jump right in. There is no judgement.…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 267 End Weight 174.8 7/25- 174.2 The eternal optimism of a new round! We have company arriving tomorrow morning for a few days. My husbands oldest friends all have July birthdays and there is always some kind of get together.…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 7/19- 175.4 7/20- 175.4 7/21- 175.4 7/22- 175.0 7/23- 174.4 7/24- 174.8 My first round since February that ended with a gain. I’m pretty sure that I have done…
  • @deepwoodslady DH and I like to say “we bought a lot of charm”. My next house will have no charm. It will have a Cold War Eastern European vibe with a lot of concrete and maybe drains in every floor so I can just hose things off. There will be none of this Victorian detail and 100 year old bad wiring.
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 7/19- 175.4 7/20- 175.4 7/21- 175.4 7/22- 175.0 7/23- 174.4 I can hardly believe how close we are to the end of this round. My weight graph is still showing…
  • @judefit1 Inspirational!!!! Mom-spirational!!!! I especially love that she knew how to stop before she injured herself. What an amazing accomplishment. I know how my butt feels after a two hour bike ride, I can’t even imagine going that long.
  • @deepwoodslady I have to admit, I had a nagging feeling yesterday that I had answered your post rather flippantly and that my input was not constructive. I apologize and appreciate your grace in response. Clearly the answer is not as simple as I suggested! Your struggle right now is also very relatable, I get anxious and…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 7/19- 175.4 7/20- 175.4 7/21- 175.4 7/22- 175.0 not bad considering it was DH birthday weekend and ended yesterday with pizza and wings. I really do need to…
  • @Chapter_3 I have strong feelings about this concept of “eating back exercise calories”. I will save you all from a detailed, in depth eight paragraph rant. This concept triggers an unhealthy loop for people to earn food with exercise. Instead I focus on eating to fuel exercise not exercising to eat more. Beyond that as…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 7/19- 175.4 7/20- 175.4 7/21- 175.4 just hanging out up here! Thank you all for this space to vent. Lol yard sale day went just fine and everything is gone.…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 7/19- 175.4 7/20- 175.4 Hoping this means my round will just be an arch. My calories yesterday were extremely low, movement was high and workout was on point.…
  • @fmfdfa2020 HaHaHa I love your NSV!!! My once favorite underwear now give me a wedgie. In my head I’m now calling it the victory wedgie!!!
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 7/19- 175.4 Bahahahaha oh trivia night. I ate the best I could but even the cucumber salad felt salty. I know this round looks bad on paper but I’m not really…
  • @reshii_devi YES!!!! I need that inspiration. Those steady drops and feeling strong. Great work.
  • @fmfdfa2020 I’ve had that same conversation in my head a thousand times. One of our lovely friends here pointed out “food addiction” not too long ago. I think those are the moments where it’s clearly a struggle with food addiction not just “I want to lose some weight”. Talking yourself through it is inspirational and I…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 7/18- 175.2 absolutely the wrong way! I haven’t been falling into my known self sabotage traps like car snacking or feeding a craving monster. Eating basically the same…
  • @SheilaBoneham all of my hyssop bloomed white this year! I love that smell, especially in the spring when I’m thinning out the over eager seedlings. @Jensmakingprogress Two Miles!!! That is fantastic.
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 7/17- 175.0 Absolutely wild!!! I’ve gotten in some serious workout time, gardened all day and eaten what I would call the standard “bland plan” for two days straight. I also did not…
  • @khahn72856 Everyone here has a different format for posting. Most of us have a standard daily starting blurb- can include highest weight or goal weight or height and age. Typically most of us add the date, our weight and maybe some insight each day. Sometimes we share really hard stuff and sometimes we are a bit silly. We…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8 7/16- 174.2 not entirely sure why the little bump up but not worried about it. I realized i am definitely retaining water, lately my wedding ring feels tighter then it did 20lbs ago. It was…
  • @_JeffreyD_ my group of exercise ladies actually has one man in it. We get workout shirts every few years they always say “Garage Girls (and Mike)” @reshii_devi welcome back!
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 266 End Weight 173.8 7/15- 173.8. So if I have to pick my coin for this round I’m going to be a dime piece!!! Why not be a ten out of ten!!! Mud run was fantastic fun! Absolutely inspiring to be with hundreds of women of every…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 265 End Weight 176.4 7/05- DNW 7/06- 174.6 7/07- 175.4 7/08- 175.2 7/09- 173.8 7/10- 173.0 7/11- 173.0 7/12- 173.8 7/13- 172.8 7/14- 173.8 Expected this as I did enjoy a bit too much fair food and fun in the sun. I got the…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 265 End Weight 176.4 7/05- DNW 7/06- 174.6 7/07- 175.4 7/08- 175.2 7/09- 173.8 7/10- 173.0 7/11- 173.0 7/12- 173.8 7/13- 172.8 I was on point yesterday with food. This round is a good reminder that every day it’s just a few…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 265 End Weight 176.4 7/05- DNW 7/06- 174.6 7/07- 175.4 7/08- 175.2 7/09- 173.8 7/10- 173.0 7/11- 173.0 7/12- 173.8 I ate a few too many calories and all of them too late in the day. There was a bit of a craving war that I…
  • @Chapter_3 I buried the lead under 2000k of concrete blocks!!! Actually I had to wrap it up fast because I was running late to 5:30am boot camp. Amazing that I can be behind on my schedule at 5:30am!!!! As for my market retirement, moving said 2000k of concrete reenforced my decision to “retire”. I had already talked with…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 265 End Weight 176.4 7/05- DNW 7/06- 174.6 7/07- 175.4 7/08- 175.2 7/09- 173.8 7/10- 173.0 7/11- 173.0 Happy with that! Yesterday was just one of those days that I had to power through. And when I saw power, I mean POWER!!!!!…
  • HW- 242 LW- 142 Feb 5th 2024- 200.4 I enjoy reading everyone’s posts with my morning coffee. Rnd 265 End Weight 176.4 7/05- DNW 7/06- 174.6 7/07- 175.4 7/08- 175.2 7/09- 173.8 7/10- 173.0 I will have to use some discipline today. I have been accepting delicious treats from vendors the last few Wednesdays. I will accept one…