Lcounsellor Member


  • @tomcustombuilder Yes thanks agreed! hoping its fluid retention from the heavy lifting, but will double check my logging
  • @equidivine I can tell this situation is really distressing and frustrating for you,I'm sorry you feel unsupported. No-one on here is a medical expert that really knows you, that much is true. There are many medical disorders that affect weight. Unfortunately on MFP you will get advice from people that can only offer…
  • Thanks for the comments everyone! I think my tracking is pretty accurate, I weigh alot of food, and am pretty clued up with calorie content of what I eat. I repeat alot of meals so not too much room for error. Like @tomcustombuilder said the only way I will know for sure is to see what happens in 4 weeks time. The truth is…
  • @Lietchi Its not totally new, but I did have a few months off before December yes. I use another TDEE calculator rather than what MFP works out as I don't eat back exercise calories. Was wondering if it might be water retention.