ThePerpetualDieter Member


  • I'm at 215lbs (lost 3lb this week with no exercise) but I'm 5'9". We rarely eat out (once /twice a year) get an odd take away. I had an awful habit of just eating! The only way I can do it this time is by not saying "I'm giving up this, this and this" because for me that just leads me to absolutely crave those things! Try…
  • Feel free to add me, I don't know how to do a friend request. I have 35lbs to lose to start with and I'll go from there 😊
  • My goal is to finally get my health in order, lose about 35lbs to start and feel good about myself because I can't look in the mirror without feeling terrible about myself
  • I'll be your buddy if you like 😊 I'm starting off with losing 35 - 40lbs first, 3lbs gone of it this week 😁 Feel free to add me as a friend, I don't know how I can send a friend request.
  • Hi Simone. I follow a gluten free diet - I haven't been tested for ceoliac disease as I can't put myself through the test as I've been completely off gluten for a long time now. Even cross contamination leaves me in a lot of pain and other issues so I'm either ceoliac or have high gluten intolerance! What type of recipes…
  • Yes like rockmama said. There's a decimal right beside the gram amount and you change it that way. Example 100g broccoli and you only eat 50g just do 0.5 and it calculates it for you. I use it that way all the time for pretty much everything 😊
  • Well congrats for joining, that's the first step. I've just rejoined after being off for years but things have to change for me!! I'd suggest small changes to start as they're going to be easier to maintain rather than going all out and cutting out everything. I would not recommend weighing yourself daily and remember if…
  • Hi Hana. Just joined again myself, so fed up with how I look and I have to get the weight off this time for good for both myself and my family. An Irish girl 😊