Gidgitgoescrzy Member


  • Well yesterday was not nearly as productive as it should have been. No walk, no exercise to make up for it. When I got home one of my lovely animals knocked over my Swiss cheese plant, so I had to clean that up, which meant moving the whole plant stand, then I had to repot, which led to some other plant work.. So the…
  • PW 146 CW 143.2 All that vacation is gone, finally ! Whew... So the squats are paying off, atleast I assume it's the squats, but those little dimples in my thighs are getting less noticeable. :smiley: Also, I think I am going to buy a two piece swimsuit, I may never wear it, but I'm gonna buy one. Yesterday we did not get…
  • @Kali225 I use an electrolyte drink for my afternoon "treat", although I don't use the whole thing, I use the liquid IV or Hydrant hydrate, I split 1 tube/package into 3 days. 1. it's expensive 2. It is strong, and 1/3 is just right.
  • Yesterday was good, I went for a walk, did my squats, but not much more than that. I did not make the tuna salad, so I have a turkey wrap today and it is so not appealing, I think I might order chick fil A - and thats okay it will fit, I will get nuggies and a side salad. No fries... I think I shall do a video this…
  • Whew you all have been busy ! Happiest of Birthdays @micki48 @Lauren_989 Yes we have kayaks, and luckily, we have multiple areas we can take them. But we like to go early, we have alot of boaters around, and it seems as the morning progresses they lose their manners. We did not actually make it out kayaking this weekend,…
  • @MaddawgMadsen Good luck with the biopsy. Thats scary and stressful, I think the strong drink and ice cream were necessary!
  • Yesterday was another good day, we walked in the morning, and I did my squats, and food was good. Today is going to be good, we aren't walking, so I think I will do a 40 minute video instead - today is off day from squats :smiley: I think tomorrow our goal is to go kayaking for a little bit in the morning, just to see how…
  • Yesterday was another good day ! No snacking after 6pm... that seems to be my key. I did a walk at work, then a 20 min video, and my 15 squats.
  • PW 147 CW 146 I am happy with that after my outta control weekend ! Okay so yesterday was a " perfect day" - Yay - We went on our work walk, I really should have looked at the weather though, we walked at 9.30 am - it was 81 degrees but humidity was off the charts so it felt like 95 - It took a minute to cool down. Anyway…
  • See not only is our squat challenge helping us physically, it's also helping us mentally... :smiley:
  • Meal prep - Yes, I am a consistent meal prepper for lunches at work, rest of the meals I wing... Except breakfast, I have a protein shake, because I am still kind of on the intermittent fasting, I need to tighten up my end time, it's been slipping. So that is another goal. This week is taco salads, so I make the meat,…
  • Good morning, and happy NOT Monday ! Yesterday was good, ate what I was supposed to eat, did my squats and a 20 min video. Then I finished off the candy from the weekend, BUT I logged it... Today is starting off positive, I brought my shoes so a co-worker and I could go for a walk. I normally don't like walking with…
  • I have not done well at all this weekend ! I mean terrible, horrible, bad, bad, bad weekend, but I am dusting it off and today is a new day ! I could blame it on not feeling well, or being back from vacation, but in all honesty, I got lazy, and I got stuck in a " it's one weekend, I deserve it" mindset. I did do my squats…
  • @lauren_989 The jet lag is much better, Tuesday and Weds were rough, but I seem to be back on track and the good part of that whole reset is, before the trip I was getting up at 6, so since I had to do a reset, I am now getting up at 5.15 so I can exercise in the morning, ( not that I've done that the past two days , lol )…
  • Good Job @micki48 Avoiding cake isn't always easy. I brought in a bunch of fudge and goodies from Ireland for the office, and I am really wanting to try the whisky fudge that I picked up at the duty free in the airport, but I am going to do my best to avoid it and hope they finish it off before temptation gets the better…
  • Hope this worked, Ireland is absolutely breathtaking, and we had such great weather, we had one afternoon of showers, and one morning of showers, So I was told we got incredibly lucky. I am still a bit off from the time change, but it worked out cause I got up this morning and exercised :smile: Okay still lots to catch up…
  • CW - 147 I am back, but I gotta get payroll done before I can share, and catch up. Trip was AMAZING - had so much fun, it is so beautiful there. I'll be back later today.
  • PW 147.2 CW 144.2 Woohooo, I am back under my goal, just in time. I leave tomorrow guys :smiley: Only 6.5 more hours of work, of which I am completely caught up on. I am all packed, well maybe one more repack. :blush: So excited... I would like to be excused next week. Have a great 2 weeks
  • @Conleywoods Congrats on the new job, and a 3 day work week ! @Micki48 thank you, although I think you might have me confused with someone else, I am anything but organized. haaa haaa @YinxFed Happy Anniversary! Only 3 more sleeps, I am all packed, it only took 3 tries, those compression bags aren't helpful when you are…
  • PW 143.6 Drumroll please..... CW 147.2 EEEEEEKKKK Just a bump, it's all okay, if I can get to 143 I can get there again. I am battling allergies, I thought I was over the hump, but then it hit with a vengeance, it's funny my allergies hit me worse when it's rainy, than when it's sunny, so it must not be pollen I am…
  • Good Morning and Happy Monday, @lauren_989 Great job on the 5k ! It rained all weekend, but I got 2 of my beds finished, well almost, one is planted the other is not, I can't plant my Dahlia tubers until the rain stops, apparently, they need to stay on the drier side until they sprout. This is my 1st time planting Dahlias…
  • It's Friday ! Yay... I am leaving early today to go have a mammogram, UGH, I've put it off for 3 months, so may as well go get it done and over with. I am in kind of stress mode, because I have to make sure everything is done before I leave, and that the girl covering me has everything she needs for the stuff I can't do…
  • I don't have any exciting plans, we were supposed to do the dirt for the garden, but it's supposed to rain saturday and sunday, so we currently have enough dirt to maybe fill one, so hopefully we can atleast get that one started. OMG I just remembered I forgot to put the bags for purple heart bags on the porch, I cleaned…
  • I don't think I grind my teeth, dentist said he did not think it was TMJ, but this happens like every other month for a couple of weeks, then goes away. It's so weird.
  • PW 146 CW 143.6 Wooohooo I did it, I hit my goal of 145 before my vaca, with 2 weeks to spare... I am over here dancing I am so happy. But not to much I have a terrible headache and my jaw pain is back again... Have a great day !
  • Whew, you guys moved over the weekend, It's May already ! @jugar @Evemakeschanges My deepest condolences, I am glad you got to spend that time with him. My weekend was good, I decided I wanted to grow cut flower/ wildflower gardens, so we made 3 boxes , I have a small yard and 2 very large dogs so I wanted to make sure…
  • PW 147.4 CW 146 Thank goodness, I was honestly kinda worried it would be a small gain or stay the same. Guess ice cream for breakfast isn't so bad after all. :blush: @cleaneater80 I am sorry for your loss. @Kali225 I would love that recipe, I love cheezits but don't buy them because they are full of bad things, so I'd love…
  • @jugar, you will be missed, Thank you for all your encouragement, and butt kicking. @Lauren_989 thanks for stepping up :smiley: I feel blah, my stomach has been weird, I am not sure what is going on... Oh I bet it was the fact that I had Ice cream for dinner last night... I hope that is all it is. I don't really have a…
  • Hey team, Not much going on here, just working and trying to clean out clothes. I am so wishy washy on getting rid of stuff, I kinda have wardrobes in 2 different sizes, I am in-between both of them. My clothes I've been wearing normally are too big and look very sloppy. Most of my smaller sizes are too small, which is…
  • PW 147.4 CW 147.4 That was a little disappointing, but I'm over it. Next week will be better. Have a great day !