Napier_mum Member


  • Get the bloodwork done asap so you know for sure. I used to work in rehab back before having babies and feet (especially out towards your little toe) don't have as much blood flow as other parts of your body, they are notorious for being problematic. I have seen plenty of perfectly healthy non-diabetics with wound healing…
  • My sister is 6 foot, her hubby is around 5'8". Neither of them give a damn about the difference! Meanwhile my hubby is 6'6" so he makes me feel like a super shorty at 5'9".
  • I hate running. I really want to love it, and can see why people do love it but arghhh, I suck at it. Doesn't help that I need to lose like 50kgs I guess. I Have been doing the couch to 5k program for what feels like ever because I have to repeat pretty much every week. However, I find that trail running is more my style.…
  • I like it on ryvita with slices of tomato and cracked pepper - yummmmmm. Also use it in place of cheese sauce when I make lasagna. Tastes really good.
  • Cycling is great if you have your bike set up correctly and use correct technique. Honestly I have found that building up leg strength by increasing my walking has almost reduced my knee pain to nothing. I also agree with all the people saying swimming, such a hard workout and super kind to the knees (and ankles) aqua…
  • Oooh, I used to love that show. Somehow I forgot it existed (totally not my fault I have popped out a couple of babies in the last few years. They are distracting little things) I might have to re-watch. That will probably be my sleeping tonight gone now, will be marathoning SPN!
  • Our clocks are going back, but not until the 6th of April. Think we drag daylight savings out as long as possible here. Hoping my toddlers don't start waking at the butt-crack of dawn!
  • My kids are 16 months and 2.5 so we probably haven't gotten to the fussy stage yet... But, they both just eat what we eat for dinner. We eat as a family as much as possible and we try to eat as well as possible. If someone doesn't like something then they don't have to eat it, no big deal. I do ask that my 2.5 year old…
  • I am the same as Paperpudding. You don't register for gifts in NZ. I got a surprise baby shower thrown for me and got loads of clothes (very handy with a reflux baby!) and some cute little toys etc which I am still using now with my second baby. When I buy gifts for friends I usually buy nappies (diapers) and some clothing…
  • Very interesting topic. Will have to come back and have a proper read once my munchkins have gone to bed. I wonder about what happened with my body after being pregnant. I had pretty severe morning sickness with both babies. More so with my first where I basically just spent the entire day (and a fair amount of the night)…
  • I walk every day as well. Makes me feel better and fabulous for my kids as well. We do at least 8kms a day (although sometimes it is mighty slow with lots of stopping to look at interesting things) but I can't think of a better way to exercise while making you feel good as well. I am soooo grumpy if we have to miss a day…
  • The denim shorts I was wearing yesterday kept falling down while I was out walking. I used to have to suck in to get them on. Yay!
  • new zealand european is the official label on my birth certificate.
  • Love these posts, they have all made me smile! Is Wednesday for me but will pretend it is Tuesday. Went for two walks today even though it was so hot that my sweat was sweating! Have also managed to stay on task even though I have a cold which I would normally use as an excuse to lounge around and eat loads of junk.
  • Capsicum is my fav at the moment. Love it raw, oven roasted, stuffed. YUM!
  • Maybe trying some different ones will give you some more that you can tolerate? I used to be a bit fussy but really I just needed to learn how I liked to eat things. My mum always boiled everything to death when we were kids but I actually discovered that I like my veges only just cooked (things like carrot and capsicum…
  • I have a fitbit which I totally love! I usually manage to hit 10k steps now but at the start it was really hard work to increase them. The weather is pretty good where I live so I take my two kids (1 and 2 year olds) out for a 6km walk every morning. It can take us a while with all the stopping etc but it gets me to around…
  • Pre-baby career was working for a govt department specialising in co-ordinating accident rehabilitation. Current career is surviving the day with two toddlers.
  • Totally normal! Unless you feel unwell or that you need to go and can't it isn't an issue.
  • Woop woop, yip we win the time race, esp here on the east coast.
  • 8pm Sat night here. About to have a raging night of early to bed and watching some Firefly with the hubby.
  • left because it is closest to the door and I am the one who gets up for sick kids, cat brining in birds and other miscellaneous night time disasters, all while hubby snores away happily.
  • I am by no means even close to an armchair expert. BUT, my understanding is that the bigger you are the more calories your body needs just to function. I would start out by just making sure that you log everything you eat and drink honestly for the first few weeks (I honestly think I ate on auto pilot a lot) while trying…
  • This is pretty much what I have been doing, I have started to make better choices just by being aware of how many calories are in everything (seriously, I knew but I just kind of didn't want to accept that I was eating as much crap as I was!) I got a fitbit and have found it really motivating. Only got it at the end of…
  • Asics GT2000, just got them and so far I don't love them as much as my old GT2130s. Hopefully once they are properly worn in I will find them as fabulous.
  • New Zealand - 9:20pm Normally I would already be tucked up in bed but it is a public holiday tomorrow so I have been nosing around the forum to distract myself from the homemade cookies calling my name.
  • Another vote for the importance of good shoes. Also clothes that hold in the wobbly bits and won't chafe. For me I went from actually doing very little into the c25k and my knees just couldn't take it (I was 270ish at the time) I was a bit silly and was running laps around the house while my baby was having his nap so some…
  • Way to go managing to nurse two! Don't forget that you need to allow yourself extra calories for nursing though. I was told 500 but I am only feeding one baby not two! My boy is 14 months so I am super late to getting on to losing baby weight haha! My little guy only feeds twice a day now so I don't give myself any extra…
  • Sorry things are so bad for you at the moment. The only suggestion I have is getting out for a bit of a walk some days. Even if it is just around the block etc. I always feel so much more refreshed after being outside. Of course I guess it depends on the weather where you live at the moment. Maybe you could take your boy…