
  • Wow! Thank you so much for all the info…so many great ideas here. You are clearly adventurous with your food choices. Lots of ideas appealed to me and, because of a love of choc, my taste buds latched on to the peanut butter (love the stuff), choc and banana! Because of my previous choices with eating and exercise I find…
  • Hope it is okay if I jump in here. I am new to MFP and am finding my way around slowly. Thank you Lifechangz for such great info. A few days ago I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic - a bit of a shock, but it means big changes in my diet. I have settled on 130g carbs daily and hope that works for me. I was pleased to see that…
  • I am new here and would be glad to have support and advice from others. :)
  • Hello Pat...I am new here too. I was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic and am now aware of watching sugars and carbs. I wish you well in your new lifestyle choices - am sure you will have success. It would be nice to hear how you are doing.
    in New here Comment by DOWNPORT4 March 2023
  • Just joined this site today. I joined Sparkpeople in 2017 and miss my many friends from there. Who knows, maybe some of them might find me here…I would like to think so….