

  • Hi, I am kinda new here also. I just have to make good choices. We will be your support. :smile: You can add me as a friend
  • Way to go. My son told me about the site. When I see some of the calories that I am eating I just go "Oh No" Will now work on the health part and not just the eating part.
  • Don't try so hard. If you are trying to lose weight and quit at the same time it will be harder. You only have another week before the class starts. That is a positive step. Keep at it. Some people can just quit others it takes longer. One step and one hour at a time.
  • Hi, my son sent me the link and so far I like it. It is a little confusing but will get use to it. I need to lose 25-35 pounds. Have been at this weight for about a year going up and down. Just had surgery for skin cancer 2 weeks ago so exercise is out for awhile. The wonderful news is all sites are clear and every thing…