capnemomac Member


  • How was your day? I hope your efforts to make a healthy lunch is going well!
  • Great to hear you are keeping active! I am so ready for Spring weather! We have had a little bit where I live but it's cold again. I like to take the dog for walks and I know he misses it since I got so lazy over the winter, lol.
  • Makes total sense! I think that best time for weighing in probably comes down to personality and what you want to see. Just so long as you don’t fool yourself into not taking account of your health in some way, you’re good!
  • Awesome! The brain is a mystery, indeed :smiley:
  • Great to have you here! Getting a good start to the day :-)
  • Walking is awesome no matter how slow you go or how long it takes you! Glad to hear you have a plan. How is it going?
  • Hope your day went well, Janice! Just staying away from processed carbs and sugar makes a huge difference for me on how I feel. I tend to go in cycles where I eat clean for a few weeks, then "take a break" and start eating crap... lol. I always regret the times that I eat like crap because I feel so much better when I am…
  • I've been doing some explorations on this site and found that this "Group" function might work better for us. Maybe another group has already been started that I was late for, lol, if so that's cool too. Feel free to join and bookmark this one if you want!…
  • Okay. My stats. I'm 40 years old. 5'11" Just weighed in at 329 lbs. I've been eating like crap lately and this is late in the day, so if I just cut out the junk I should be able to shed a few pounds pretty quickly. Maybe in 12 weeks I can get down below 300. Then I want to continue back down below 285 which is where I was…
  • Hi all, I’m a day late but re-installed this app on my phone specifically because I’m looking for some regular chat and accountability. How do I join? Just keep coming back to this post? I’ll post my beginning info if I can join!