aimeelynncreates Member


  • Much of this all depends on how much you have to lose. As you get closer to your goal, it will slow down. If you have double or triple digits to lose, it's a different case entirely. I've been post-menopausal for several years (turning 50 soon) and have strangely found that losing weight is easier for me now as I look back…
  • Oh yeah. Anyone reintroducing dairy should start out with dry cheeses (like Parm) &/or goat milk (which btw tastes INSANELY good for hot chocolate) before going into anything heavier than that. Nothing like a pint of pure cow's milk ice cream to send many of us (vegan or not) straight to the throne with regret in our…
  • I'm not sure where you're writing from but it definitely makes a difference where you live geographically! I'm Pacific Northwest born and raised, and we have a crazy awesome number of restaurants and grocers here that are a dream for both the meat-ful and meat-less. We also adore any food from Southeast Asia, from…
  • If you haven't eaten meat in a long time, "just" eating it is not a wise suggestion, as it can give you some serious tummy troubles. No one wants to reintroduce something in their diet and go too far and get the runs... :o
  • Agree - we've transitioned to about 80% vegetarian (which usually means vegan, intentional or unintentional), and it took us a few weeks to get used to it. My husband is still, ahem, somewhat 'tooty' at the increase of veggies and beans, but loves how creative our eating has gotten as we get more and more diversified with…
  • While I didn't transition from vegan to omnivore, a few years back I transitioned back to allowing dairy, eggs and gluten into my life after several years without, and it was definitely a slow and steady process. (We were planning a trip to France and I knew I didn't want to worry about submitting to the Call of the…
  • 40 days since I started this journey, logged in every day, and so far am 18.6 pounds lighter! My husband knows at the end of our meals together I get to bring my device to the table to log my meal. :)
  • Having our garden and canning/preserving/freezing is huge for us, but the biggest change we experienced was when we lived on our farm and raised our own organic pastured heirloom chickens for meat. The taste was so different and the process was so much more humane than the stuff you get at the store (even the 'organic'…
  • Just made this last night and it was SOOOO good: . It might sound boring but is SO tasty. I always sub homemade veggie broth for water when making polenta - way more flavorful. For the milk we use Silk Organic Unsweetened Soy Milk or I make homemade…
  • I would suggest fruit...and water. Every time you have what feels like a craving, drink a glass of water. I would NOT recommend chocolate at all - it just feeds the sugar addiction. Tonight I had a smoothie: 1 small banana + 1/2 cup blueberries (I keep a huge bag of frozen organic berries in the freezer) + 1 cup organic…