Mywishnow Member


  • I started on semiglutide early in early December. My insurance didn't cover the name brand so I went with a compound pharmacy that made basically the same thing. Mostly my side effects were minimal. Nausea the first 2 days after my first injection and whenever I eat either too much or things that are deep fried. I also…
  • Thank you azkunk for starting this thread! I started Ozempic via an online compund pharmacy with my dr's blessing last month. The name brand stuff was cost prohibitive for me since my insurance did not cover it. I took my 1st shot 12/4 at .5 intial reaction was a bit of nausea and LOTS of fatigue. I also experienced…
  • Thank you @RavenStCloud for creating this forum every month <3! Like everyone, I had a few challenges in Oct including a wine tasting weekend celebrating a friend's 50th + travelling 9 days. I was able to log my food other than 3 days. My exercise was non-exsistant last month but I started a 21 jump start fitness program…
  • Checking in mid(ish) month. I've been really good at logging everything that goes in my mouth. Significantly increasing my protein intake to 100g/daily has really helped with my satiety. I have also discovered that zero sugar Italian Sweet Cream is actually tasty. This weekend is my girl's winetasting so my Saturday is…
  • Serial restarter here. I fell off the wagon hard at the end of the summer. Truth be told, I was pretty lax for the entire summer and put on 15 of the 40lbs I had lost. Whelp, I'm here now, dusting myself off and getting ready to once again fight the good fight. I have a tough (in a good way) last week and a half coming up…