Women 200lb+, Let’s Hocus Pocus Focus This October!!!



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 3/77 of wall pushups 😃
    Posture exercise 👍
    About 200 below calorie burn 🔥
    Cardio workout mulching flowerbeds 🌺

    I’ve been working on organizing my family history info and free motion quilting the quilt that I made for my granddaughter so I feel very productive today. I also spent some time outside getting my vitamin D and finished up my flowerbed project. It’s been a good day and I’m ready for bed!

    @RavenStCloud I get what you mean about the value of restrictions. My husband goes from one thing to another to stock up on in the house and I have to tell myself that those 10 candy bars in the freezer aren’t mine so I can’t have even one. Same with all the other junk. I struggle with leaving certain things alone and know if I have it just one time, it will be easier to give in again the next day. Easy access is so dangerous! Some people can handle it but I’m not one of them 😞

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 4 wall pushups 👍
    Posture exercises 👍
    Below calorie burn 🔥

    I almost forgot my exercises yesterday. 11 PM and I was like, dang! But I did them anyway because I want to keep my streak going. I got my hair cut in the afternoon and when leaving town to go home I drove right on by DQ and A and W without stopping. I had to talk pretty fast to myself as it’s become a habit to stop on my way home from those city trips. I stopped at the fruit market instead and got a mashed potato squash and an acorn squash and a few red pears. I’m excited to try the potato squash and red pears since I’ve never had them. I went home and made a big salad with broccoli and a tuna packet instead. 🏆. I’m changing my identity from a person can’t resist stopping for ice cream EVERY trip (which is about 2-3 times a month) to one who chooses to stop occasionally.
    On a less positive note, I did check the freezer for the ice cream before going to bed 😩 but thankfully it was all gone 😀
  • Mywishnow
    Mywishnow Posts: 5 Member
    Checking in mid(ish) month. I've been really good at logging everything that goes in my mouth. Significantly increasing my protein intake to 100g/daily has really helped with my satiety. I have also discovered that zero sugar Italian Sweet Cream is actually tasty. This weekend is my girl's winetasting so my Saturday is going to be a challange but I'm going in with the midset that it is only one day and not go down the slippery slope.

    As for my exercise :# ...

    SW: 215.4 (10/8)
    CW: 209.8 (10/19)
    GW (short term): 195 by EOY
    UGW (long term): 165
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 5 wall push ups … still need to do those but will not go to bed without doing them! Other accomplishments today…a silver sneakers YouTube work out, outside time walking, a little weeding, enjoying the perfect 70’s day 😊 Almost finished with quilting my granddaughter’s quilt. 🤞 maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to assemble the 3 panels. I’m doing quilt as you go in sections because my machine harp space is too small to squish a big quilt in there.
    Calorie burn under 🔥 I was looking for food all day. Maybe because it was mostly pretty low cal stuff…salad, broccoli, popcorn, cheese stick, squash, etc. Maybe because it’s a good way to procrastinate 🤔 I added a tuna packet to the salad so that helped with protein. Met my macros pretty well.

    @Mywishnow good job with your protein intake! It seems to be working for you 🎈
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 6. Switched from the wall to the steps for push ups to make it more challenging. Used 3rd step up today.
    Food macros came out on target and was under calorie burn 🔥
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,381 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    35 years old! happy birthday to me!

    SW: 220ish
    Re-SW (Feb 2022): 200.4
    UGW: 150

    SW 10/1: 178.8 (yikes, but it's because I got like 4 hours of sleep last night)
    10/15: 179, looking more like that's a real weight.
    10/21: 176.6! and a downward trend for my average! (the average is 177.9)

    🎃 October Goals! 🎃

    🍂 October GW (average): 175

    🤎Stick to weight loss calories at least 5 days a week ✅
    🤎Log everything in grams ✅
    🤎 Shut down the house every night ✅

    Some pictures of good food from the last week:
    Love a grain bowl.

    Also love a BLT breakfast salad, yum.

    Some knitting from the last week:
    Halloween cowl!

    A very cool beginning to a shawl.

    Alright, time for me to head out- I'm meeting up with my sister, sisters-in-law, best friend, and a couple of their family to celebrate all of our birthdays (within a week! Except my sister) at a tea party! It's going to be fancy, I bought tiaras for all of us, and I'm going to go Evil Queen with my outfit- leather skirt and spiderweb black mesh top.

    Tag party hopefully tomorrow, have a great day, everyone!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe I love everything about your post! Special yum to that breakfast plate 😋 and your knitting is beautiful! Birthday parties are the best, especially the fancy ones. Sounds like a fun family. Enjoy 😊

    Day 7. Got up and did wall pushups immediately because I knew I’d be at my grandson’s martial arts competition all day and didn’t want to forget. Yay! He got a 1st and 2nd place medal in his 3 events so am feeling pretty proud.
    Went to Runza afterwards but didn’t do too much damage caloriewise. I probably didn’t really need that ice cream cone, ya think!?! My biggest food struggle is before going to bed. I gotta figure that out. It’s a bad habit…maybe self-sabotage but why?? 😩
  • smichelus622
    smichelus622 Posts: 21 Member
    Love this group wish October would
    Last 2 months it is by far my favorite time
    Of year
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * walk at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk (15 minutes bike; 30 minutes treadmill)
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make good food choices
    * lose about 6lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    October SW: 241.6
    CW: 230.6 (10/22)
    GW (short term): 235 220
    GW (long term): 165

    10/22 update: Things are going well. The weather has been nice so I've been out walking instead of stuck in the gym and I added a little extra distance by going into a different neighborhood for a bit (now up to about 3.5-3.8 miles depending on where I go). I've also been spending my days brainstorming and outlining a story for National Novel Writing Month which has kept me distracted and not thinking about eating. So I haven't been snacking at all. I'm almost under 230lb which will be the first time since probably 2001 when I was pregnant with my second child. I gained a lot of weight with him (he was over 9lbs) and never got back below 230 after having him. I'm super excited.
  • RavenStCloud
    RavenStCloud Posts: 356 Member
    edited October 2023
    Hey, ladies!

    SW: 260lbs
    CW: 271lbs
    GW: 185lbs

    I've had a great week. I've logged all my food, controlled my portions, and today I made it back to the gym for the first time in months. I swam for an hour and actually got in more laps than I thought I would!

    For me, it's always so easy at the beginning, but I know I need to keep up this momentum for when it's gonna get real hard, which is like a month or two from now when I'll feel like I want to quit.

    However, I'm coming up with a game plan. I'm going to go to a weekend event in Chicago in May and I'd like to be more in shape for it. I don't know yet if I should assign a weight loss goal to it, but I'm thinking about it. Either way, it's a good medium-term goal/event that I can work towards.

    Hope everyone had a spooky fun last weekend in October!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Day 8 pushups…did them first thing yesterday when I got up and discovered my body needs a little more warm up time. My shoulder is a little sore and not in a good way. I took 1 Advil and it feel fine now.
    Day 9 pushups… did them right after my shower. I think that might be a good time to get them done. Sometimes linking a new habit to an old one makes it easier to remember to do the new one. We’ll see.
    I’m really trying to stay in my macro range 5% one way or another. I’m not doing great but I’m more aware of the quality of my food intake. And I’m not doing horribly either so that’s a plus.

    @smichelus622 October here has been gorgeous but a change is coming. I prepped plants to bring inside today to prepare for the big freeze that’s coming this weekend. I have a few days to figure out where my 6-8 large pots of geraniums will hang out this winter.

    @justanotherjen13 You’re writing a story…That’s awesome! I know how time passes without thinking about anything else when I’m focused on my sewing projects. It’s like being wrapped up in a different world for a bit. I think that happens when we’re in “the flow” and it’s great!
    Below 230….You’re almost there!

    @RavenStCloud it’s so fun to dream and plan for special trips. It can be very motivating when you think about being in good shape for all of the walking you’ll do. My daughter and I went years ago and took the “L” where we could and walked the rest. It was a lot but there was so much to see.
    And just because things got hard in the past, maybe this time will be different and you’ll surprise yourself at how well you follow through with your plan. Our past doesn’t have to be our future 😀 Good luck!
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    @nebslp The goal is to write a 50k-word novel in November. I've got Act I plotted out and the beginning of Act II. I know most of my major scenes/plot points and the ending so it's just bridging them all together which, admittedly, isn't my strong suit. It's also been a year since I wrote anything thanks to the meds I'm on for bipolar. They'd sucked the creativity out of me, but I'm starting to get into the story so hopefully I can push through the block and get actual words down even if they sound horrible to me. Better than no words.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Checking in..... finally free of emergencies, home repairs, and all the other chaos. Of course, now the house is full of candy from Trunk or Treat events and all that fun. I really need to be 100% back on track. I checked my fasting blood sugar this morning after having some goodies at my neighborhood book club last night. When I say it isn't good, I'm not exagerating. Ugh! It'll be fine though. I have gotten it all under control with just diet and exercise in the past. I can do it again. It means buckling down and really doing it right though.

    In that vein, I'm going to try a new class at the YMCA tomorrow. This past summer they got a new instructor that does a Barre class, TRX class, Piloxing, and something called The Mix (which is a cardio class with hints of dance, boxing, and other types of movement to music that is supposed to be pretty fun). I'm planning to try the Barre class on Wednesday. We'll see how it goes.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited October 2023
    I just realized I lost a day and I’m farther along in my streak than I thought. So…
    Day 11✅
    Day 12 … not yet but will do 11 wall pushups before going to bed. I’m having trouble making this an after shower habit. Maybe a sticky note on my mirror would help me remember 🤔
  • Shoppie2023
    Shoppie2023 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, I can't keep up with this thread! So many of you are working so hard to achieve your goals, I have SO much respect for you. Even more so the ones who have got knocked down for whatever reason and just got back up again to fight on another day.

    A reminder of my goals at the beginning of the month:

    To go back to logging EVERYTHING
    To keep up the early morning walks (I go at 6 am with my dog, which is getting harder now its so dark.
    Check in here at least weekly

    I haven't met a single one of those :( I was logging everything but then the last week at school I kept being SO hungry that I was snaffling treats and so not logging them because I was ashamed :( I also kept going with the walks right up until the last 3 days of school when I was just so shattered that I could not face getting up early. And I haven't been in here since my early October post. Hmm 'could do better is the summary!!

    SW 261
    CW 239
    GW 239 yippee one thing I got right, I managed to hit my goal weight for the month, sneaking just under 240. Will need to get thinking what my goal for November will be as tomorrow is my last official October weigh-in.
    UGW 169 (I think or maybe early 170s. I often forget)

    Keep going everybody, I will try and check in sooner this time!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I didn't make it to the YMCA because one of my daughter's favorite trunk or treat events plus small festival was last night. I had completely forgotten. However, I only ate 2 pieces of candy while trailing her so I'm going to count that as a win after all.

    I also finally started writing my recipe blogs again. I was every 2 weeks all last year and the beginning of this year.... and then went the entire summer not creating or posting anything new. But if anyone needs another slow cooker recipe I've got a Slow Cooker Apricot Pork Tenderoin recipe posted as of yesterday.

    My big book club meets tonight. We're discussing The Echo Of Old Books by by Barbara A Davis. Anyone else read that one? And speaking of books.... if you didn't know, today is the Cozy Mystery Book Blast where a bunch of cozy mystery ebooks are free. A good chunk of them are listed at https://cozymysterybookclub.com/bookblast/ and I may have stuffed my kindle quite a bit. I mean, who doesn't love free stuff????
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Well, this is embarrassing! I said I would going to do day 12 pushups before going to bed last night and 5 minutes later I totally forgot. And here it is, 11:25 pm and I still haven’t done today’s😖. I was away from home both days…no excuse! So the streak will undergo a reset…

    Day 1 (64 days, I think). 11:30 ✅ and now it’s bedtime.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    Hey all! I'm trying to keep on track and so far today I'm doing well. Yesterday I did a trunk or treat and took caramel corn flavored rice cakes topped with peanut butter and chocolate chips, spicy pickle flavored popcorn, an apple, and pistachios with me so I wouldn't be tempted by candy or the food truck. Then a friend brought me a homemade cupcake. 😅 I still made it fit in my calories though.
  • justanotherjen13
    justanotherjen13 Posts: 419 Member
    * walk at least three miles whenever the weather allows
    * go the HOA clubhouse to use the gym when it's too rainy to walk (15 minutes bike; 30 minutes treadmill)
    * portion control, portion control, portion control
    * make good food choices
    * lose about 6lbs this month

    SW: 294 (7/4/23)
    October SW: 241.6
    CW: 226.4 (10/29)
    GW (short term): 235 220
    GW (long term): 165

    10/29 update: It's been a rough day today. I got a flu shot and Covid booster yesterday afternoon. I didn't sleep well at all last night because both arms hurt and I'm a side sleeper. Every time I moved, I woke up in excruciating pain. On top of that, my sciatica is acting up. It's so bad, I can't put any weight on that side while sitting. But I can't lie down because of my arms. I want to die right now. I'm trying to watch Sunday Night Football (go Bears!) but the pain is awful. I can't sit still or relax at all. And I'm super tired and worn down. I barely made it 3 miles on my walk today and felt like crap the entire time I was walking. Hoping tomorrow is better.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    @justanotherjen13 I hope you feel better quickly! Pain after shots is so unpleasant. I get allergy shots every few weeks and sometimes it causes a large painful bump on each arm (I don't know why some months isn't too bad and others are horrible). Sleeping afterwards is a joke.