akstamps Member


  • Weigh in day: Sundays PW: 239.0 (July 16) CW: 237.4 (July 23) I apologize for being late posting, but the numbers are accurate. I log my weight daily.
  • Weigh-In Day: Sunday PW: 243.0 (Sunday, July 9) CW: 239.0 (Sunday, July 16) That was better than I anticipated!! The main thing that I did was portion control. Unfortunately, I still had KFC and cupcakes this week, but I was not walking and grazing all day long. Also, I have been upping my water intake. The goal is 100…
  • Thanks so much!! My daughter and I are going to try one of the videos tonight. I'll keep the group updated.
  • GOOD HABIT: I did not have any coffee, sodas, or sweet tea this week. I have been killing it with water with lemon. NOT SO GREAT HABIT: I'd like to break my habit of staying up late. I am not going to bed until 2 a.m., then my body wakes me up like clockwork at 5:30 a.m. I spend the day feeling exhausted. I've been like…
  • PW: 242.8 (Sunday, July 02) CW: 243.0 (Sunday, July 09) I'm bummed that I did not lose any weight this week. I didn't spend much time tracking my meals because my family and I are packing our house to move. That being said, I was still very conscious of what I ate. Most of my meals were VERY veggie salads with no dressing…
  • Thanks for the help with navigating the app! It is most appreciated.
  • Username: akstamps Weigh-In Day: Sundays PW: (I'm not technically inclined & can't find that post from when I signed up.) CW: 242.8 Oh, my!! This has been a week. Navigating this app is not all that easy. Sorry that I can't find the PW, but the current weight is accurate from when I weighed myself yesterday. I'm not sure…