WeightNoMore Team Chat - JULY 2023



  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member
    In 2019 I was also diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I was at my heaviest (225) last Dec and am now trying to be healthier overall.

    I’d love any advice you May have on working out and eating healthier with m.s.


    NOTE: This ended up being WAY longer than I had originally planned. Whoops.

    @alexhomeandcoffee - Oh boy, there's a lot of different directions to go with working out and eating healthier, and it always comes down to trying things until you find something you like and will stick with.

    I was lucky(?) to be diagnosed after I had already made a bunch of dietary changes, so I didn't need to change too much. The medication I am on has led to a fun side effect where I am constantly aware of my hydration and electrolyte levels, so I invested in an electrolyte drink mix to add to my water, which helps me avoid extra dizziness (and also assists in muscle recovery after workouts, which is an added bonus!). I have also noticed that I have become more sensitive to sugar, which could be a side effect of MS, MS medications, getting older, etc. Regardless, I try to avoid processed sugary foods whenever I can - this doesn't stop me from eating snacks/desserts, but I need to be mindful so I don't consume too much and send my body out of whack.

    As for working out, this is a matter of how much experience you have. When I first decided to get healthier, I started attending an indoor cycling class because cardio seemed more accessible to me, as I had never done much working out in the past. This began as twice per week, with regular walks thrown in. Group fitness helped a lot with getting me in a better mindset to take control of my health, because having people who could hold me accountable was a huge motivator, all I needed to do was get my foot in the door. And the fun thing about most group fitness studios is that they have a free first class, so you can give it a shot without committing to a membership.

    If you'd rather do at-home workouts, I tested a number of 30-Day-Challenge apps on my phone at the beginning of the pandemic. Most of them had incredibly short workout plans (less than 10 minutes or so), focused on whatever part of the body you choose.

    And if you'd rather go straight for resistance training, I would highly recommend talking to a certified trainer at a gym and have them show you some of the basic machines.

    The only thing that having MS really changes is that you need to be more aware of your body at all times. For example: My balance isn't great, so I take extra precautions. I do not respond well to extreme heat, so hot yoga is tricky and outdoor workouts can be tricky and enclosed humid rooms (i.e. spin class) need to have fans running - having water around at all times is a great help. Lots of up and down movement makes me dizzy, so I need to pace myself on movements like burpees and jump squats and anything upsidedown...

    Basically, try something, and if you like it, make friends there. Being willing to be bad at something at first grants you so many opportunities to make progress.
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member
    Hey Ashley @minstrelofsarcasm I'm so glad you broke some of the rules for the party 👏 I'm proud of you! I remember you telling us about that invitation and I was gobsmacked!

    In my previous post, I shared links and calculated my maintenance caloric amount. As you're a numbers person and have knowledge on this, do you think it seems right? For info: my height is 67" (5'7"), weight 177 lb, age 52, low to moderate activity just now.
    (I've only just noticed that I put 62" instead of 67" for my height and have amended the figures)
    What I worked each section out to be for my starting stats:
    ◾Caloric deficit (3500-7000 avg/wk)
    ▪️General maintenance caloric needs [me]: Body weight lb [177] x 15 = 2655
    Aim for 1655 to 2155 caloric consumption (2655-1000/500)
    ▪️Moderately active caloric needs [me]: BMR [1975] x 1.55 = 3061
    Aim for 2061 to 2561 caloric consumption (3061-1000/500)
    If more or less active, work according to the numbers below. Adjust maintenance figure after weight loss.
    ◾Caloric needs based on BMR and activity levels.
    🔹BMR for adult female [me]: 1975
    655 + 761 + 315 - 244= 1975
    655 + (4.3 x weight lb [177]= 761.1) + (4.7 x height inch [67]= 314.9) – (4.7 x age [52]= 244.4) = BMR 1975.4
    🔸Maintenance caloric needs:
    • sedentary: little or no exercise:
    BMR [1975] x 1.2 = 2370
    • minimally active: 1–3 days per week of exercise or activity:
    BMR [1975] x 1.375 = 2715
    • moderately active: 3–5 days per week of moderate activity or sports:
    BMR [1975] x 1.55 = 3061
    • very active: 6–7 days per week of hard exercise:
    BMR [1975] x 1.725 = 3406
    • extra active: athletes who train twice per day for example:
    BMR [1975] x 1.9 = 3752

    @BodyTalking - Your math appears to be correct. Is there something in particular that has you doubting your numbers? Normally when I see people complaining about the math, it's because they didn't wait long enough for our body's fluctuations to calm down, so they see a higher number on the scale than they'd like due to water retention from hormones, salt, sugar, illness, muscle recovery, stress, etc.
  • akstamps
    akstamps Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the help with navigating the app! It is most appreciated.
  • alexhomeandcoffee
    alexhomeandcoffee Posts: 33 Member
    @minstrelofsarcasm thank you! Great insight and really confirmation on things that I’d been sensing in my own body
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member
    ~ Weigh Days ~

    Here's the list of weigh days I have in the system - please let me know if anything needs to change. If you are crossed off, I've got your weight updated for this week! And if you need to be excused for any reason, now's the time to make us aware.


    @Laurabb99 - Need Starting Weight
    @Kykybinford - Need Starting Weight

    @HH1006 - Weighing in on Thursday

    @latoyarichardsonr23 - Need Starting Weight



    @trebled_egg - Need Starting Weight
  • 2BFitgranny
    2BFitgranny Posts: 61 Member
    Username: 2bfitgranny
    Weigh-In Day: Monday (July 3)
    PW: 213.0
    CW: 213.2
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,015 Member
    In my previous post, I shared links and calculated my maintenance caloric amount. As you're a numbers person and have knowledge on this, do you think it seems right?

    @BodyTalking - Your math appears to be correct. Is there something in particular that has you doubting your numbers? Normally when I see people complaining about the math, it's because they didn't wait long enough for our body's fluctuations to calm down, so they see a higher number on the scale than they'd like due to water retention from hormones, salt, sugar, illness, muscle recovery, stress, etc.

    No, I guess I just needed assurance that I was looking at it the right way and wasn't missing something. Thank you. My consumption levels are good but it's my activity levels that are poor 🦥

    Have a good day 🌞
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW (Previous Weight): 194.6 lbs
    CW (Current Weight): 194.4 lbs

    Sorry I am posting late. I just got back from a 5 day vacation. I was very surprised to see the scale had not gone up. I was really focused on my water and portion control, but I did not hold back on glasses of wine or eating delicious food. I guess being active all day keeping up with 2 kids vs. sitting at a desk job helped balance it out. I feel really positive that I was able to still enjoy vacation treats but stay on track.

    Reintroduction with all the new people:
    I am a working mom of 2. I first joined My Fitness Pal in 2011 and lost all the weight I wanted to lose. I got down to 156 lbs. By the time, the first baby was born in 2014 my weight had crept up to the 180s when I found out I was pregnant and I gained a lot with the pregnancy ending up at 238 lbs. I lost all the baby weight and then some getting back to the 170s. COVID weight was not my best. I was at 206 when I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. Second baby was born in 2021 with my final weigh in at 239. The baby weight did not come off as easily. I had tried a few times since the birth to get back on track but always ended up back in the 200-210 range.

    I had a friend posting on social media about weight loss and reaching out to her coach. I was interested in finding more. I discovered it was one of these weight loss programs where you spend $300-400 a month on buying their snacks and cooking very strict meals to lose weight. I did some research and saw this plan averaged 800-1000 calories a day. I knew this was not a sustainable plan for me as I like to be able to have a meal with my family or enjoy a treat. I was a little annoyed because they kept saying it works out with people's food budgets. For my this was half of the food budget for my family of 4. This annoyance was the kick start I needed. I knew I could do it on my own and I wanted to prove it.

    I was 211 when I started this My Fitness Pal reboot. I have been very focused on water (100+ oz a day) and I have tried to food prep for my lunches as much as possible. I hope I can keep up this momentum forever now and not go back to the 200s ever again.
  • Laurabb99
    Laurabb99 Posts: 79 Member
    CW - 208.5
    Monday weight day

    It feels good to be back!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    Cw 192.3
  • minstrelofsarcasm
    minstrelofsarcasm Posts: 2,348 Member
    podperson1 wrote: »
    @minstrelofsarcasm could I be excused from weigh-in next week please, I won't have access to a scale.

    @podperson1 - Not a problem. Safe travels!
  • careyella
    careyella Posts: 4 Member
    Carey Ella
    Weigh day: Sunday
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,015 Member
    edited July 2023
    Starting weight: 81.7 kg/180.12 lb
    Previous weight: 80.1 kg/176.59 lb
    Current weight: 79.6 kg/175.49 lb

    I concentrated on calories in versus calories out this week and stayed in caloric deficit each day, averaging around 800 over the week. I wasn't very active and, on days where I'm more so, I need more calories. It's so simple, right? but life plays games with the simples!
    Anyway, let's see if I can be more in control going forward.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,358 Member
    Saturday weighin
    PW: 235
    CW: 235

    Sun: 9706
    Mon: 2962
    Tues: 8952
    Wed: 7868
    Thurs: 6909
    Fri: 5054
    Sat: ???

    I did better with walking this week. Having more vertigo stuff, only reason steps weren't higher yesterday. Will hike today with a friend and then have lunch; hope to avoid more dizzy. On my to do list today is write a proper introduction here.
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