MCFNY Member


  • Started to take better care of myself in August and now it is December, I'm down 13 lbs. My blood pressure is back to normal (low sodium is key) and my glucose / sugar levels are back to normal (completely cut sugar and wheat out of my diet). Some days are better than others but I'm trying! Got 7 more pounds to go and I…
  • I have a 100 lb. weigh loss goal myself. I started at 305, I have lost 13 lbs. so far working with a holistic health specialist. We made nutritional changes to my diet, and I am listening to him...and it is working! This is very exciting for me, because the scale hasn't moved other than 'up' in the last three years. I…
  • Hi - I started working with Holistic Health Care doctor. I have been unsuccessful in all my weight loss efforts. I would lose a little at first and gain it all back. This Holistic Health care doctor is giving me specific directives and I decided to listen to him. He told me absolutely no sugar and no foods made with wheat.…