emsays Member


  • AFM, I am still losing slowly but surely. It's been a tough couple of weeks dealing with LO's constantly fighting sleep schedules, etc., busy at work, starting a new semester at school, and just being tiiiiiiired. I need to re-establish my workout routine because it helps a lot. Workout consistency has been my biggest…
  • Sorry I always reply to these so late. My weeks just keep getting crazier and crazier! Here are my stats: 210.0/204.0/198.0 . I'm so excited, I'm only 4 lbs away from my pre-preg weight and 6 lbs away from my mini-goal. Woo hoo! I did OK last week. I was on plan Mon-Wed, then my plan was just to stick with moderate…
  • Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know I am very thankful to have found this supportive group! :) It's a huge help! I am down on the whole although I haven't WI'ed yet for this week. But I'm an up-one-week, down-another kind of gal so I take things as they come. My goals for this week are to exercise at least 3 times (I'm…
  • I maintained this week (as of Monday). 210.0/207.2/198.0 Not complaining -- this week has been horrendous! I got slammed with a major project at work, and I've been pulling really long hours which increases LO's separation anxiety which increases DH's all-around anxiety, which in turn makes me anxious. Vicious cycle!…
  • Here are my Week 2 stats, finally had a few minutes to WI this morning. 210.0/207.2/198.0 Thankfully I'm only up .2 from my WI last week -- which is great considering it's been difficult to eat healthfully and impossible to work out lately. If I don't work out, I don't lose a thing. Hopefully once my and Baby's routine…
  • I will update my numbers tomorrow, I didn't have time to WI this morning. Last week started strong, but then life intervened and I struggled. This week is not getting off to a much better start! (I'm having one of *those* Mondays.) I'm fighting the urge to write off this week and "start fresh" next Monday, which is SO…
  • Here's my weigh-in. Boo to 3-lb weight gain after just 1 week of not exercising or tracking due to return to work last week! :( Oh well. 210.0/210.0/198.0 (but I'll gladly take lower! lol) Have a fit and healthy Monday, everyone!
  • Hello fellow new mommas! I'm Eve. I'm 34, live in the Silicon Valley, and have a spunky almost 13-week old little girl born August 1. Weight has always been a challenge for me, but prior to getting pregnant, I had lost about 30 lbs. I managed to keep most of the weight off during pregnancy until I was restricted from…
    in Intros Comment by emsays October 2012