FaytedDays Member


  • No nuts-walnuts Im very allergic to. Ill look into ine. Weight never comes off!
  • I have the exact opposite! I gain weight! Im so sorry youre dealing with that and second looking into a new dietitian possibly. That doesnt sound very helpful of what shes telling you to do. And best of luck too! You got this!
  • I am on a strict FODMAP diet. And have found that gluten, nuts, broccoli, any veggies that cause IBS issues worse-well worse. Bread bloats me, so does gluten free items(which also makes me have other issues). I may look into a dietitian here in my new area. Thanks!
  • 1. Im trying to lose weight yes 2. Probably a few months or a year. Had surgeries and such, so couldnt eat much. 3. I wish. I actually have been the same weight or gain it easily. I recently had a hysterectomy due to pre uterine cancer, and PCOS/Endometriosis previously. I know that can also supplement weight gain.