Ang_syl Member


  • I stated my gender, height, current weight and age, I’m not sure what else would be needed! I weight train 4-5 days a week and cardio 3-4 days week if that helps
  • @AnnPT77 i had changed my calories from 1200/day to 1500 in august after no progress for about two months. I lost 5-7lb more after increasing them and have been at a stalemate for about two months now (maybe more). I’m worried going down isn’t even enough for me? Every app or calculator I do says I’d actually need closer…
  • I’m 5’2! Currently 153-155lbs given the day. Goal weight is 135-140. 1500 calories/day and doing weight and cardio training 5x per week. I’m using an app (Fitbod) to help in terms of increasing weight/reps etc and it has def helped but I’m 100% at a standstill. 70-100g of protein daily