kidiki Member


  • When the scale won’t budge, pullout the tape measure. I am amazed at the number of steps you are logging. Are your calories coming from nutritional food? Do high carb foods affect you? Probably looking at your progress history and comparing trends in your diet will shed light on what works best for your body.
  • How is your fitness level? My health provider encourages me to increase my activity, and reduce my stress levels, as well as manage my food intake. We are the sum of our entire human experience. Best to you on your fitness journey. [
  • Have you consulted with a physical trainer? It may be worth it to see if any refinements are needed in your workout techniques.
  • My digital scales are a brand called Wellness. They are calibrated to my doctor’s scales. My weight, before paying attention to my eating habits, began fluctuating. After almost 80 days of mindful eating, and taking in way less sodium, my weight is not yo-yo’ing as it was.
    in Scales Comment by kidiki October 2023
  • What is this *kitten* nonsense? It sounds like a condescending innuendo? There is enough weirdness online. Does it have to bleed over onto this site too?
  • I was hovering at pre-diabetic stage for two bloodwork panels, and it scared the hell out of me. I’ve seen too many Elders in my Tribe suffer terrible health as they age. Your family needs you and you want to be able to enjoy and play with future grandchildren. Eliminating sugar takes willpower, and you can do it! Bingeing…
  • My husband is a cardiac patient. Water retention or an overnight weight fluctuation of three pounds or more should be shared with your doctor. It can be indicative of a serious health issue. The nice thing about this app is it will assist you with monitoring sodium intake. Best wishes for your health journey!
  • Hi Bob: Congratulations on joining this App and prioritizing your health. My husband and I found when we buy Prime Meat from Costco, we are satisfied and full after eating 3 oz. of prime tenderloin or flank steak. From one tenderloin we can get three servings. I’m not sure if that would work for you, but we greatly reduced…
  • Note to self: You are doing amazing! Forgive yourself for the weight you put on while stressed, caregiving and putting yourself last. Prioritize your health and celebrate each victorious moment. Savor the wins!
  • Re-joining FP has been the best thing I have done for myself in years! While, I am not yet in a smaller size, the clothes that I have been wearing actually fit me as they should and are getting looser. Most of my chub rolls are gone. My NSV is belief in myself again! I feel stronger physically and mentally.
  • Or hire someone to do it. Said the CEO.
  • I too have had a few rough years, caring for an ill partner, then COVID hit, then I ATE all the sourdough bread learned to I bake, with plenty of kerrygold. 🤣😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Since I am no longer eating my feelings, I’ve managed to drop some of it. The weather is cooling where I live, so I can begin to pickup some outdoor…
  • Have you tried to ease into a reduced carb diet? Surprisingly, The first week of seriously altering my diet had me craving some carbs. What helped me over the hump was to included a small amount of carbs in my meal and then reduce the amount over time. I made scrambled eggs; instead of having a hash brown patty or side of…
  • I have no educated advice to share. I do find the FitnessPal app extremely helpful in helping me meet nutritional goals. If I become bored with food, it’s usually from lack of crunch or texture. Carrots, celery, homemade kale chips help my situation. All the best to you. This is a very supportive and informative community.
  • The heartburn issues are worrisome, especially if it is indeed a lifetime prescription. Unchecked heartburn can erode the esophagus and irritated cells can become abnormal cells which may lead to esophageal cancer. Please be cautious and let your doctor know what you are experiencing. Elevating your bed may reduce…
    in Wegovy Comment by kidiki August 2023